Check out these do-it-yourself preparedness gifts kids can make

As far as I’m concerned, a home-made Christmas gift with some thought behind it trumps the most expensive thing you can buy. And, this is guaranteed:  If  a child makes a preparedness gift for a loved one, that item will be cherished, included in a survival kit and used. by Leon Pantenburg When my daughter, …

Do-It-Yourself emergency preparedness gifts kids can make for Christmas

As far as I’m concerned, a home-made Christmas gift with some thought behind it trumps the most expensive thing you can buy. And, this is guaranteed:  If  a child makes a survival and/or prepper gift for a loved one, that item will be cherished, included in a survival kit and used! And  if you can …

Do-It-Yourself emergency preparedness gifts kids can make for Christmas As far as I’m concerned, a home-made Christmas gift with some thought behind it trumps the most expensive thing you can buy. And, this is guaranteed:  If  a child makes a survival and/or prepper gift for a loved one, that item will be cherished, included in a survival kit and used! And  if you …