Edible plants video: How to tell look-alike poison iris from cattails

You won’t starve in the wilderness if you can find cattails. Every part of the plant is edible. But don’t mistake a toxic look-alike, the poison iris, for the edible plant. Here is how to tell the difference. by Leon Pantenburg Look for the cattail head, regardless of the time of year. Toxic iris plants’ …

Edible plants video: How to tell look-alike poison iris from cattails

You won’t starve in the wilderness if you can find cattails. Every part of the plant is edible. But don’t mistake a toxic look-alike, the poison iris, for the edible plant. Here is how to tell the difference. by Leon Pantenburg Look for the cattail head, regardless of the time of year. Toxic iris plants’ …

Dandelions: The weed you need

http://www.survivalcommonsense.com If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn: Andrew Mason quotes. It seems like common sense to know what common plants are edible and available for the picking. This post from the Survival Mom explains some of the ways the dandelion can be used. Guest post by Donna …

Edible plants video: How to tell look-alike poison iris from cattails

Home You won’t starve in the wilderness if you can find cattails. Every part of the plant is edible. But don’t mistake a toxic look-alike, the poison iris, for the edible plant. Here is how to tell the difference. by Leon Pantenburg Look for the cattail head, regardless of the time of year. Toxic iris …