Take the right tools for building emergency snow shelters

The snowmobilers were stuck in the waist-deep snow and  lost in a blizzard. They tried to walk out. By morning, one was dead, and the other had severe frostbite.  by Leon Pantenburg The happened in 2007, about 15 miles from my home. It’s easy, in hindsight, to point out mistakes people have made, and we …

Learn a winter survival skill – book review: ‘Snow Caves For Fun and Survival’

I have helped build snow caves as emergency shelters in the past, and didn’t think they were particularly effective. But that was before I read “Snow Caves For Fun and Survival” and tried out the book’s techniques. by Leon Pantenburg A group of Boy Scouts and volunteers were on our annual winter survival skills training …

Review: Check out the Zoe Crist Santa Fe – it may be the hunting knife you need

Kniveshipfree is a sponsor of Survivalcommonsense.com, but I don’t get free knives from the company, nor do they have any input in any knife reviews. by Leon Pantenburg I’m always looking for a good hunting knife. So when the Zoe Crist Santa Fe became available last year, I got one and tried it. There are …

Try this practical method to build a survival snow cave

Just about every survival manual shows how to build a snow cave. But the reality is that most people don’t have the skill, tools or time to effectively use this technique. This book, “Snow Caves For Fun and Survival,” by Ernest Wilkinson, may help. by Leon Pantenburg One of my favorite Boy Scout outings is …

Don’t lose your gear: Pop a top for equipment safety

Hanging on to your tools may be critical. Here’s how to rig small items so they don’t get lost.   by Leon Pantenburg I learned a valuable lesson the hard way a few years back when my wife and I dumped a canoe at the top of a rapids. (Read the story) Prevent loss of …

Encourage preparedness mindset with this book: “The Unthinkable”

Suppose that significant other isn’t into preparedness. What is the first thing to do to get them thinking about the possibility about the “unthinkable” happening? Hand them a copy of this book. by Leon Pantenburg Amanda Ripley’s “The Unthinkable” is not about disaster recovery: It’s about what happens in the midst  of one – before …

Best hunting knife? We review the Cross Knives All Around Hunter

Pete Winkler’s recent win on the History Channel’s “Forged in Fire” just proved what some of us already knew: Winkler, owner of Cross Knives, produces some excellent blades. by Leon Pantenburg Knivesshipfree is a Survivalcommonsense sponsor. I didn’t receive any free knives, and make no promises on any equipment reviews other than that I will …

Don’t get lost: Tune up your compass

There is no substitute for a good compass, and the ability to use it. Since getting lost is generally the reason for most wilderness emergencies, stay found to stay out of trouble! A map and compass are basic navigation tools in the backcountry. Many people seem to be very uncomfortable when they cialis no prescription …

Check out these ten top everyday carry knives

Every survival/preparedness-type has opinions about the best survival/hunting/bushcraft/etc knife. But what about the knife you carry every day and use for everything? by Leon Pantenburg I belong to the “big knife, small knife” school of thought when it comes to packing cutlery. I want a four-to-six inch blade for a hunting knife, a seven-to-nine inch …

Don’t be left in the dark – prepare for power outages now!

  A survival situation can develop in your home when the power goes out. The backup plan must include emergency lighting. (Pantenburg photos) Also, age, obesity, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle or medications lower testosterone and raise DHT which can significantly contribute to hair loss it is evident that Propecia really does work for many people just …