Best bushcraft knife? I like the Bark River Aurora

Home If you’re searching for a bushcraft knife, here’s some things to look for. I checked out the Bark River Aurora, and I am impressed. by Leon Pantenburg  I bought this knife to test and evaluate and received no compensation for reviewing it. Somebody will get ticky about the difference between a bushcraft and a …

Here are five reasons to use a lanyard on your survival knife Ever wonder what to do with that hole in the knife handle, or the split ring on your pocket knife? Combine these with a piece of cord to make your knife safer. by Leon Pantenburg Use paracord and the hole in the handle to make a knife safer and easy to keep track of. …

Dryer Lint as Wilderness Survival Firestarter? No Way!

Home Inevitably, at every firemaking seminar I’m involved in, somebody suggests using dryer lint as firestarter. Dryer lint is incredibly flammable, apparently, and should be in your survival kit. My response:  I have tested and tried dryer lint, don’t carry it, and recommend you don’t either. Visit our store! You can make your own sex …

Ultimate survival tips: Five ways to use aluminum foil as a preparedness tool

Home Survival tools don’t have to be expensive or hard to find. One example is  aluminum foil. I have a piece along in virtually all my survival kits. Here are five uses for aluminum foil in survival situations. All these items, including a piece of aluminum foil, will fit inside this small tin. When fully …

Urban camoflauge: Blend in if you have to walk home after a disaster

Home You just got off work, something happens and you hit gridlock on the highway. In this scenario the best choice is to abandon the car, take your Get-Home bag out of the trunk and walk.  Can you blend in with the rest of the unprepared people so you don’t become a target for robbers …

How to: Make a skinny wallet a survival tool

Home I already have too much stuff in my wallet – how do I carry survival gear without making it even thicker? by Leon Pantenburg I got that question a few months back, and  I’m with you. My wallet was out of control. It was so thick I couldn’t comfortably sit on it, and I …

Survival Recipes: How to make waterfowl gumbo Gumbo is on the menu for about 50 Boy Scouts and volunteers today  (Jan.4, 2014) as part of the annual Christmas tree recycling fundraiser. It’s 19 degrees outside, and several of us volunteers will be doing all the cooking outdoors. Here’s another addition to your survival kit: a recipe for duck or goose gumbo.  …

Learn these emergency tips for handling the cold

Home The weather in Bend, Oregon, where I live, has been beautiful, with highs in the mid-50s and sunshine. But for those of you in the colder areas, here are some survival tips from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. by Leon Pantenburg Cold weather and storms are battering much of the country. How will you …

Ten ways to recycle and reuse empty prescription pill bottles

Home It seems like everybody has some sort of prescription medication. Most of them come in plastic bottles with seal-able caps. Here are some ways to make the best use of this underused resource. by Leon Pantenburg I never gave much thought to plastic prescription bottles until I was put on medications after open heart …

What To Do If You Fall Through the Ice

Home If you fall into icy water or through the ice on a winter ski or snowshoe trip, you are immediately in serious trouble. How do you get out after you’ve fallen in? Here’s some advice and information from an expert. by Leon Pantenburg Click here to buy survival kits Inform your doctor if your …