Survival recipe: How to make rhubarb salsa

Think rhubarb is only good for making pies? Guess again. This vegetable is so versatile, it has its own festival. by Leon Pantenburg When it comes to choosing as really useful, rugged vegetable for your survival/prepper garden, don’t overlook rhubarb. Rhubarb is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber. It is a perennial which forms …

Survival recipe: How to make rhubarb salsa

Think rhubarb is only good for making pies? Guess again. This vegetable is so versatile, it has its own festival. by Leon Pantenburg When it comes to choosing as really useful, rugged vegetable for your survival/prepper garden, don’t overlook rhubarb. Rhubarb is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber. It is a perennial which forms …