Can you learn valid survival/preparedness skills from the internet or website?

Suppose you’re in the brand-new beginner prepper/survivalist, and want to learn more. How can you tell if a website is valid, or if it is BS? Here are some things to look for. by Leon Pantenburg My career  has been spent in the news business, and for decades, I was an investigative reporter/photographer. Today, I …

Survival Mom: How to prepare for a really unexpected emergency

Home Many of us preparedness types believe that an emergency and/or crises can happen at any instant. Recent events bear this out, and Lisa Bedford, the Survival Mom explains some ways to get ready for an out-of-the-blue emergency event. Symptoms may include cough, fever, chills, night sweats, eating disorder (loss levitra on line of …

The Survival Mom: Fear has a shelf life

Home All of us in the preparedness/survival industry have noticed reduced interest and sales in the past few months. Part of this could be attributed to the fact that major disasters are apparently not stirring up the fear factor like they used to. Are we getting used to fear? What is Kamagra fizz? Kamagra is …

Five reasons normal people shy away from the prepper world

Home How many times have people looked at you kinda funny when they find out you store food in your home? I get that frequently, and when that’s combined with my hobbies/passions of hunting, hiking, camping and fishing, I sometimes get lumped in with the nut cases.   This process is done generic cialis online …

Wealth can’t protect you: Lessons from the Calgary flood

Home Money won’t insulate you from disaster. Thanks to guest author, the SurvivalMom, Lisa Bedford, for this story from the recent Calgary floods. by Lisa Bedford One of my husband’s very favorite customers is a wealthy gentleman from Canada. This fellow has an impressive collection of custom designed and hand-made motorcycles. Heck, he designed them …