Dryer Lint as Wilderness Survival Firestarter? No Way!

Home Inevitably, at every firemaking seminar I’m involved in, somebody suggests using dryer lint as firestarter. Dryer lint is incredibly flammable, apparently, and should be in your survival kit. My response:  I have tested and tried dryer lint, don’t carry it, and recommend you don’t either. Visit our store! You can make your own sex …

Ten ways to recycle and reuse empty prescription pill bottles

Home It seems like everybody has some sort of prescription medication. Most of them come in plastic bottles with seal-able caps. Here are some ways to make the best use of this underused resource. by Leon Pantenburg I never gave much thought to plastic prescription bottles until I was put on medications after open heart …

Stocking stuffer: Make an effective firemaking kit out of recyclables

Home Can you easily access your matches if you need to start a survival fire? Check out these different kinds or match containers before choosing. by Leon Pantenburg Here’s very possible survival scenario from where I live in Central Oregon. An emergency campfire may be the key to surviving an unexpected dip in an icy …

Video: How to make charcloth, a miracle survival kit fire starter

Home Get a foolproof survival firestarting kit In fact, doctors there prescribe Acai supplements to persons who are in need of medication to solve sexual problems. viagra online without The erection quality provided by the medicine remains on the body for 5 to 6 hours before the sexual intercourse and you are then good to …

Survival kit: Make a Brick Rocket Stove for Emergency Situations

Home If you can stack bricks, you can make an effective biomass rocket stove. The materials are cheap, and usually readily available during a disaster.  Most importantly, it is a very simple survival skill to learn. by Leon Pantenburg In the aftermath of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tornado, there will probably …