Video: Make a trash bag shelter part of your survival kit

Quick,  temporary shelters should be part of your survival kit. But how do you choose which one is the best for your needs? by Leon Pantenburg I’m not sure how the early settlers along the Oregon Trail or the western frontier  got along without duct tape, WD-40 or trash bags, but life surely would have been easier …

Gear you don’t need: Dump the mylar blankets from your survival kit

Do you carry a mylar blanket in your survival gear as an emergency shelter item? If so, here’s why you should get rid of it. by Leon Pantenburg I stopped at the wilderness survival seminar at the Deschutes County (OR) Expo Center more out of curiosity than anything else. The presenter was Peter Kummerfeldt, and …

Use desert survival techniques to gather water during a flood

An  irony of floods is that muddy, filthy water inundates everything, but there is generally a shortage drinking water! If you are stranded by standing water, you may be able to adapt desert survival skills to gather potable water. by Leon Pantenburg Widespread flooding is occurring all over.  Deadly floods have slammed Oklahoma and several …

Peter Kummerfeldt: How to avoid becoming a flash flood victim

Flash floods are the number one weather-related killer in the United States. Here are some of the things to look for in an area that might have a flash flood. by Peter Kummerfeldt Never try to cross a high rising stream. (USGS photo) Thus, the medication of Kamagra Polo comes in strength of 20mg, 40mg, …

Improve your GPS and land navigation skills now

Spring means more people will be getting outside and enjoying the weather and sunshine. Here are some GPS tips to help you get back! By Blake Miller Now is the perfect time to practice and improve your Global Positioning System skills.  Spring hiking and camping and fishing trips offer excellent opportunities to get “dialed-in” with …

Book review: Newsweek “Off Grid” special section provides critical information

Does Newsweek’s most recent special edition “Offgrid” mean that survival and preparedness have gone really mainstream? Well, the header at the bottom of the cover proclaims: “Exploring the End of Life as We Know It. Are you prepared?” by Leon Pantenburg A few years back, those of us who were promoting that idea of preparedness …

Book review: Newsweek “Off Grid” special section provides critical information

Does Newsweek’s most recent special edition “Offgrid” mean that survival and preparedness have gone really mainstream? Well, the header at the bottom of the cover proclaims: “Exploring the End of Life as We Know It. Are you prepared?” by Leon Pantenburg A few years back, those of us who were promoting that idea of preparedness …

Can you rely on survival books to educate yourself? Here’s what to look for

What survival/preparedness reading material is useful, and what is a waste of time? Here are some suggestions. by Leon Pantenburg As a working journalist, sentence structure, subject/verb agreement, grammar and words are my tools of the trade. So I look upon many of the “survival” publications on the market with considerable skepticism, especially when I …

Check out these tips from a 70-year-old survival expert with 50 years of teaching experience

How can you tell if a “survival expert” really knows his/her stuff? Here is one who has 50 years experience in the field. by Leon Pantenburg In my book, instructor Peter Kummerfeldt is in a class all his own when it comes to wilderness survival. I met Peter about 12 years ago at the Central …

Survival expert Peter Kummerfeldt gives practical advice on what it takes to survive

I met  survival expert Peter Kummerfeldt several years ago at the Deschutes County Sportsman’s Expo. I was mesmerized by the common sense approach he had toward wilderness survival, and attended all the classes he taught that day. Later, I met him at his booth, and over the past few years, we’ve become friends. Peter is …