Ultimate survival tips: Five ways to use aluminum foil as a preparedness tool

Home Survival tools don’t have to be expensive or hard to find. One example is  aluminum foil. I have a piece along in virtually all my survival kits. Here are five uses for aluminum foil in survival situations. All these items, including a piece of aluminum foil, will fit inside this small tin. When fully …

Know the Fabrics: Make smart winter survival clothing choices

Home Your first line of defense against hypothermia is  your clothing. Here’s how to make sure the fabrics in it will do the job. By Leon Pantenburg Dressing to survive starts with knowing what fabrics to wear. Different fabrics have radically different properties. Choosing the wrong type, or mixing clothing of different materials can be …

Stocking stuffer: Make an effective firemaking kit out of recyclables

Home Can you easily access your matches if you need to start a survival fire? Check out these different kinds or match containers before choosing. by Leon Pantenburg Here’s very possible survival scenario from where I live in Central Oregon. An emergency campfire may be the key to surviving an unexpected dip in an icy …

Don’t Be Left in the Dark: Prepare for Power Outages Now!

Home I’m watching the rain and snow beat on my window pane during the first storm of  2013 in Central Oregon. But the rest of the country is facing major storms and power blackouts. A survival situation can develop in your home when the power goes out. The backup plan must include emergency lighting. (Pantenburg …

Video: The A-Frame Tarp Shelter: Simple, Lightweight and Effective

Home It was a bad time for the weather to get really nasty. The angry, black clouds threatened snow and boiled over the nearby mountains as they headed toward us. By Leon Pantenburg My brother Mike and I were on an elk hunt, and had backpacked miles back from any road into Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest. This …

Keep your Hydration System Smelling and Tasting Great

Home One of the big complaints about bladder style water systems is that after a while, they can start tasting musty. Here’s how to prevent that. By Leon Pantenburg Here’s a great way to keep your bladder style water hydration system from attracting mold and mildew: store it in your freezer. Check out this survival …

Survival kit videos: Check out this paracord rifle sling as part of your backcountry emergency gear

Home I was not paid to do this review, and at the time of publication, Ridge Runner Belts was not an advertiser. Paracord and duct tape are survival necessities, IMO, and any way to include them in your emergency kit is a plus. by Leon Pantenburg I bought my first .22 rifle with earnings from …