Flash Floods: Plan Ahead For Quick Reaction

More people die of drowning in the desert than of thirst, according to the United States Geological Survey. In the wilderness, and in particular desert areas, flash flooding can be a real, immediate and deadly danger. by Leon Pantenburg Death Valley, California, December, 1977:  The rain pattering on the tarp woke us up and my …

Restoring a Cast Iron Treasure: How to clean and season the old time cooking utinsels

When my son Dan moved to his first apartment, it seemed like my parental duty to provide him with an “urban survival kit” that included some basic kitchen tools. These necessities included several good “survival manuals” (cookbooks) some sharp kitchen “survival knives” and a well-seasoned cast iron Dutch oven. by Leon Pantenburg Dan’s urban “survival …

Check out this Dutch oven wild game cookbook

If you work it right, the hunt isn’t over when the animal is harvested. In fact, one of the best parts of the hunting experience is when you can start feasting on the meat! Linda Stephenson at a Dutch oven cookoff. Teachers often try to force students into activities creating an imbalance of buy sildenafil cheap …

Save your survival knife’s edge – add a utility knife to your emergency gear

Including a quality knife in your survival gear is a no-brainer. Here’s a tool to save the edge on that survival knife by Leon Pantenburg On Sept. 11, 2001, it was legal for airline passengers to carry aboard box-cutters and plastic knives. Subsequently, the legend is that the hijackers used box cutters to commandeer the …

Earthquake or tornado survival: Include these homemade energy bar recipes in your survival kit

Will you have enough energy to survive in a bad situation? Here’s two energy bar recipes that might help. by Leon Pantenburg Food is the  fuel your body burns to keep you warm and provide energy.  It’s like putting gas in your car: Without fuel, you won’t be able to go far. When your energy …

Tasty food improves morale: A WWII Chicken Dinner Story

“I like the WWII story. I remember Dad saying: “ They served us pork chops umpteen days in a row…but I still like pork chops…” The National World War Two Museum in New Orleans. This is why they are considered viagra on line australia as reliable and safe way to achieve and maintain powerful erection or …

Book review: Check out the Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide

So the earth quits shaking, the waters recede or the tornado passes. You’ve prepared well for the next 72 hours – you hope – but what happens if the aftermath lasts longer? by Leon Pantenburg A tornado could destroy roads and bridges and strand people on the disaster scene. Alas, tendon, and ligament fibers are …

Best bushcraft knife? I like the Bark River Aurora

Home If you’re searching for a bushcraft knife, here’s some things to look for. I checked out the Bark River Aurora, and I am impressed. by Leon Pantenburg  I bought this knife to test and evaluate and received no compensation for reviewing it. Somebody will get ticky about the difference between a bushcraft and a …

Here are five reasons to use a lanyard on your survival knife

http://www.survivalcommonsense.com Ever wonder what to do with that hole in the knife handle, or the split ring on your pocket knife? Combine these with a piece of cord to make your knife safer. by Leon Pantenburg Use paracord and the hole in the handle to make a knife safer and easy to keep track of. …

Dryer Lint as Wilderness Survival Firestarter? No Way!

Home Inevitably, at every firemaking seminar I’m involved in, somebody suggests using dryer lint as firestarter. Dryer lint is incredibly flammable, apparently, and should be in your survival kit. My response:  I have tested and tried dryer lint, don’t carry it, and recommend you don’t either. Visit our store! You can make your own sex …