Enter to win: Another free drawing for ‘The Prepper’s Cookbook’

Home Wonder how to cook all that storage food? Check out this free cookbook drawing. by Leon Pantenburg So you have your storage food – now what will you do with it? Tess Pennington,  founder of ReadyNutrition.com, a prepping website based out of Houston, Texas, has some suggestions. About 300, to be exact. Her latest …

Enter to win: Free drawing for ‘The Prepper’s Cookbook’

Home Wonder how to cook all that storage food? Check out this free cookbook drawing. by Leon Pantenburg So you have your storage food – now what will you do with it? Tess Pennington,  founder of ReadyNutrition.com, a prepping website based out of Houston, Texas, has some suggestions. About 300, to be exact. Her latest …