Go squirrel hunting to learn wilderness survival skills

How do you learn  the basic survival skills of marksmanship, stalking, concealment and skinning and processing game animals? Take up squirrel hunting. by Leon Pantenburg Many people don’t know how to get started hunting. But they may be thinking it’s time to learn. There could be a variety of reasons – to supplement your diet, …

Civil War survival lessons from a 92nd Illinois Infantryman

Home Basic survival skills don’t change. Here are some lessons from a Civil War infantryman on how to provide food, shelter and improvise lighting during hard campaigning. by Leon Pantenburg  I ordered by inter-library loan a book named “Three Years with the 92nd Illinois: The Civil War Diary of John M. King.” My great-great-grandfather, Pvt …

Survival gear: Three more tips to get your GPS ready to navigate.

http://www.survivalcommonsense.com You can’t guarantee a GPS won’t go weird on you sometimes, for no apparent reason. Here are some tips from survival instructor and GPS expert Blake Miller for getting that transmitter squared away for you take off from the trailhead. I’m always coming up with story ideas for Blake after I’ve made mistakes or …

Survival skills video: Avoid this deadly poison hemlock plant

Home Poison Hemlock is a deadly plant that grows around water sources. It’s a killer, and here’s how to identify it. by Blake Miller Poison Hemlock is a plant that I have never paid much attention to. It didn’t rank very high on my “need to know” list. Recently, a seminar speaker discussed poison hemlock …