How to put on a fish fry to cook panfish

In many parts of the country, a fish fry is the conclusion of a successful day of angling. It could be a social gathering when folks bring fish and a quart of iced tea. Really, it’s just an excuse for a summer party. Here’s how to put on a fish fry. by Leon Pantenburg Click …

Can you learn valid survival/preparedness skills from the internet or website?

Suppose you’re in the brand-new beginner prepper/survivalist, and want to learn more. How can you tell if a website is valid, or if it is BS? Here are some things to look for. by Leon Pantenburg My career  has been spent in the news business, and for decades, I was an investigative reporter/photographer. Today, I …

Need a quality extreme sports daypack? Check out the Black Diamond Bullet 16

A small pack for rock climbing, spelunking or summitting a peak is a specialized item. Here is one such daypack worth looking at. by Leon Pantenburg I was not paid to do this review, and at the time of publication, Black diamond had no sponsorship relationship with To test a rock climbing pack, you …

Video: Make a trash bag shelter part of your survival kit

Quick,  temporary shelters should be part of your survival kit. But how do you choose which one is the best for your needs? by Leon Pantenburg I’m not sure how the early settlers along the Oregon Trail or the western frontier  got along without duct tape, WD-40 or trash bags, but life surely would have been easier …

FEMA: Are You Ready For the Heat?

Some parts of the country are sweltering under heat advisories and July isn’t even here! Here is some advice from FEMA about handling the heat. Visit our store! It is usually necessary to continue canada viagra no prescription checking 2~3 times or more. These physiologic modifications might then sildenafil discount decrease the workload of …

The best hiking/bicycling socks? We review the Showers Pass Torch Socks

The importance of  taking care of your feet outdoors should be a no-brainer. These socks can help, and they also add a safety aspect.  by Leon Pantenburg I was not paid to write this review, and at the time of publication, Showers Pass has no advertising realationship with Bend, Oregon, my hometown, is a …

Make room in your wallet for survival gear

I always carry survival gear on my person. But how do you add anything to an already overflowing wallet? Do you need to invest in a new one?  Before you buy anything, put your current wallet on a bulk reduction plan. by Leon Pantenburg My wallet was way too thick, and sitting too long on …

How to make homemade soup/gravy sauce

Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation using mainly simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. Soup or gravy can help stretch stored food staples and reduce diet monotony. With no debt to service each viagra discount month and no CEO salary to pay, …

Be rattlesnake safe, but don’t let them keep you out of the woods

I learned to respect poisonous snakes when I lived in Mississippi and hunted the swamps and bayous. I’ve seen some big rattlers and cottonmouths, but never came close to getting bit. Navigation expert Blake Miller posted this information on his website, and it contains some good info. –  Leon As warm weather returns, the California …

Survival book review: The Alaska Homesteader’s Handbook

  Ever wonder how homesteaders in the Alaskan bush manage to get by in the extreme conditions? This book can give some insight. by Leon Pantenburg Click here to buy survival kits What’s best about the medication is that it is jelly form of medicine which gets dissolved in the mouth very quickly. levitra sale …