Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation using mainly simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods.

Soup or gravy can help stretch stored food staples and reduce diet monotony.

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by Leon Pantenburg

When the big earthquake hits the Oregon coast, or there is a quake along the New Madrid Fault, or the water keeps rising and shuts off the roads you’ll still have to keep eating. That’s why we’re preppers, and why we prepare for emergencies and disasters!

And while you may be feeling pretty good that you have a stock of rice, beans and other staples, there must be provisions to make different-tasting meals. Otherwise, at some point, diet monotony will set in. Being able to introduce different, familiar tastes into the equation, while using what is on hand, will be important!

Here is an easy recipe to make gravy or a soup base. If you have flour and this mix, you can make biscuits and gravy. You can put this gravy over rice. The addition of gravy to potatoes makes one of my favorite side dishes.

If you are fortunate enough to have meat from a big game animal, or need a little help disguising some unfamiliar tastes, this gravy or soup can help.

This will be another survival recipe that gets mixed up and taken to elk camp this year!

Homemade Soup/Gravy Sauce

2 c instant non-fat dry milk

3/4 c cornstarch

1/2 c  instant beef or chicken bouillon

>2 Tbs onions, chopped, dehydrated

1 tsp dried basil

1 tsp dried thyme

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 tsp parsley, dried

Combine all ingredients, mixing well. Store in an air-tight container.

To substitute for 1 can of condensed soup or gravy, combine 1/3 c dry mix with 1-1/4 c water in a saucepan; cool and stir until thickened.

Add mushrooms, celery, chicken or other ingredients to substitute for commercial soups.

Makes the equivalent of 9 (10-1/2 ounce) cans of soup.

(From: Jan’s Fabulous Food Storage Recipes: Converting Stored Foods Into Usable Meals” by Jan LeBaron

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