The Survival Mom: Fear has a shelf life

Home All of us in the preparedness/survival industry have noticed reduced interest and sales in the past few months. Part of this could be attributed to the fact that major disasters are apparently not stirring up the fear factor like they used to. Are we getting used to fear? What is Kamagra fizz? Kamagra is …

10 tips for staying cool during a power outage/heat wave emergency

Home All things considered, any emergency situation can be made worse by the weather! Heat waves, coupled with power outages, can be deadly. Learn what you can do! By Leon Pantenburg What happens when an earthquake occurs along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (The United States’ second largest earthquake area, located near New Madrid, Mo., …

Wealth can’t protect you: Lessons from the Calgary flood

Home Money won’t insulate you from disaster. Thanks to guest author, the SurvivalMom, Lisa Bedford, for this story from the recent Calgary floods. by Lisa Bedford One of my husband’s very favorite customers is a wealthy gentleman from Canada. This fellow has an impressive collection of custom designed and hand-made motorcycles. Heck, he designed them …

Worth reading: ‘The Prepper’s Cookbook’ shows how to use your storage foods So you have all these food storage supplies. Now what? How are you going to cook them? by Leon Pantenburg One of the most common questions from newbies to preparedness and food storage is: How do I cook the stuff? Good question. After Y2K never happened in 2000, I was left with stores of …

Top 50 things to disappear from store shelves during an emergency

Home Go grocery shopping on Sunday night, after the weekend rushes, and you’ll notice immediately that many items are low. Go to a store just prior to a storm, and you’ll see packed checkout lanes, frantic shoppers and confusion. Since most stores only have about three-to-four  days – tops – inventory, you can see the …