How to: Choose the right sleeping bag

One piece of gear you don’t want to have to improvise is a sleeping bag. If you can’t sleep at night because you’re cold, the next day is guaranteed to be exhausting. by Leon Pantenburg I graduated, less than penniless, from Iowa State University in 1976, and decided to go backpacking in the mountains. So …

Afraid of the dark? Here’s how to get over it

Do you get uneasy when it the sun starts to go down? Prefer to have a nightlight on, and don’t like dark places at all? What  happens if you get lost, and the darkness starts to fall? Here are some ways to help you deal with this problem before it develops into a survival situation. …

Leave a note and save your life!

If nobody knows you’ve gone, or where to look, or when you’re expected back, it could be a long wait  to be rescued! by Leon Pantenburg A detailed note, left behind before any outing, should be Standard Operating Procedure. The note could end up being a lifesaver. A memo book could be one of your most …

10 tips for staying cool during a power outage/heat wave emergency

All things considered, any emergency situation can be made worse by the weather! Heat waves, coupled with power outages, can be deadly. Learn what you can do! By Leon Pantenburg What happens when an earthquake occurs along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (The United States’ second largest earthquake area, located near New Madrid, Mo., along …

Prepare, practice these tips to keep kids safe outdoors

In an instant, the backpacking trip in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains turned from an idyllic family outing to every parent’s nightmare. By Leon Pantenburg One moment, my son Daniel, 16 months old at the time, was playing around the campsite. In the next, despite the close supervision of four adults, he had vanished. Though warmly dressed, …

10 essential survival skills you need to know

What skills do you need to survive a disaster or emergency situation? Well, some of that depends on the nature of the situation. Here are 10 essential long term survival skills. by Leon Pantenburg Probably the most-asked question about wilderness survival and preparedness is: “Where do I start?” and/or “What are the most important skills …

Soapmaking 101 for a survival situation

Several years ago, I made soap out of deer tallow, and it worked very well. It was simple to do, but potentially dangerous! Here is an expert, Karla Moore, of Heart of Iowa Soapworks, to explain how to safely make soap during a survival situation. – Leon by Karla Moore In a survival situation cleanliness …

Serious as a heart attack: Would you know the symptoms if and when they happen?

Every outdoorsman should know the symptoms of a heart attack. Here’s the story of my wake-up call that happened three years ago. by Leon Pantenburg I felt fine on the morning of Dec. 13, 2012.  But the night before, during my daily 1.4-mile powerwalk with the dog, I felt an unusual shortness of breath, and …

Survival book review: The Alaska Homesteader’s Handbook

  Ever wonder how homesteaders in the Alaskan bush manage to get by in the extreme conditions? This book can give some insight. by Leon Pantenburg Click here to buy survival kits What’s best about the medication is that it is jelly form of medicine which gets dissolved in the mouth very quickly. levitra sale …

Before the hurricane hits: What to take along if you must evacuate

Eastern coast hurricane season starts any time now. Some people may to evacuate. Suppose you have to leave very quickly – what is important to take along? Most of us live in areas very vulnerable to natural disasters! The most common prescription viagra cost types of arthritis disorders are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A generic …