LED compact flashlight review: Olympia RG245

Stumbling around in the dark, be it in the wilderness or some urban area, sucks. Here is a compact, high powered light that can make a difference. by Leon Pantenburg I was not paid to do this post, and the product was provided for review and field testing purposes. At the time of publication, Olympia …

Five tips for finding dry sticks in wet weather

Most firemaking lessons stop with the initial ignition. But that first flame won’t last long if you don’t have dry sticks to feed the fire. Here’s how to find them. by Leon Pantenburg It was dawn, the temps had plunged to 19 degrees during the night and we were on a Boy Scout Wilderness Survival …

Five simple tips and tools for changing a tire

Survival situations can start with a routine, mundane problem that escalates into an emergency. Most of you can’t change a flat tire, and that could create a real problem. by Leon Pantenburg I’m really good at changing flat tires. In college, I drove around on whatever second-hand, hand-me-down  tires I could afford. Subsequently, there were …

Before you buy a gun | Here are some things to think about

Few actions require more fore-thought than purchasing a firearm. But more important than the style, caliber, action and size is the reason for buying  one in the first place. Why do you want a firearm? Do you really need it?  Would you be better off without a gun? You might be surprised. by Leon Pantenburg …

How to escape from a sinking vehicle

Never under estimate the power of  flowing water, particularly after a heavy rainfall. I’ve been watching the weather channel recently, and noticed a lot of flash flooding in the aftermath of heavy rains and severe storms. If there isn’t enough to worry about in those areas, you also need to be concerned about drowning – …

Knife review | The Bark River Kalahari Mini-Sportsman may be the fillet/boning knife for you

A fillet knife may end up being the most useful blade you have. Here’s a new version of an already great piece of cutlery. by Leon Pantenburg Disclaimer: KnivesShipFree.com is a sponsor of SurvivalCommonSense.com. I bought this knife to review, and all I ever promise in any equipment review is a fair shake. My Bark …

How to make organic jerky treats for dogs

The best way to show honor and respect for a big game animal is to use every part after you’ve killed it. Here’s an easy way to make dog treats from meat scraps that would otherwise get thrown away. by Leon Pantenburg Inevitably, there will be scraps of meat, gristle and fat when you’re done …

Damper Recipes: Try Australia’s survival bread

“Have you heard of Damper? It’s an Australian bread that’s made using few ingredients and cooked in a campfire. Stockmen and drovers would make it using their basic camping rations.” from Alex in SurvivalCommonSense.com Comments by Leon Pantenburg Actually, I had not heard of Damper, but I never need much excuse to experiment with survival …

Serious as a heart attack: Would you know the symptoms if and when they happen?

Every outdoorsman should know the symptoms of a heart attack. Here’s the story of my wake-up call that happened three years ago. by Leon Pantenburg I felt fine on the morning of Dec. 13, 2012.  But the night before, during my daily 1.4-mile powerwalk with the dog, I felt an unusual shortness of breath, and …

Check out these do-it-yourself preparedness gifts kids can make

As far as I’m concerned, a home-made Christmas gift with some thought behind it trumps the most expensive thing you can buy. And, this is guaranteed:  If  a child makes a preparedness gift for a loved one, that item will be cherished, included in a survival kit and used. by Leon Pantenburg When my daughter, …