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Serious as a heart attack: Every outdoorsman should know the symptoms
Every outdoorsman needs to know the symptoms of a heart attack. Here’s the story of my wake-up call that happened last year.
by Leon Pantenburg
I felt fine on the morning of Dec. 13, 2012. But the night before, during my daily 1.4-mile powerwalk with the dog, I felt an unusual shortness of breath, and a tightness in the middle of my chest. That tightness vanished as soon as I stopped.
That was it, as far as symptoms went. Typically, I powerwalk uphill every night, with the intent getting my cardiovascular system going, and elevating my heart rate. A few times the weeks previous, I noticed what appeared to be mild heartburn after eating dinner and I did seem to be getting winded sooner. In retrospect, I should have figured something was going on. But this night, I only made about 100 yards up the usual hill before getting winded.

Me, attempting to fill my high desert elk tag and bring home some meat. Big game hunting is part of my lifestyle.
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Luckily, I had taken an extensive Wilderness First Aid class required for Boy Scout leaders in June, and knew that many heart attacks don’t have real dramatic signs.
Long story short, I went into the Bend (OR) Medical Center Urgent Care Center the next morning. After a quick exam, I was taken to nearby St. Charles Hospital by ambulance. The next day, I had quadruple bypass open heart surgery. If I hadn’t gone to the clinic when I did, my cardiologist says I would have had a massive stroke or heart attack “very soon.”
Here is the point: If this happened to me, it could happen to you.
For the sake of yourself and a loved one, you must know the symptoms of a heart attack (See the list below). According to the American Heart Association, about a million people have heart attacks in the United States every year.
The scary part is that some people have a heart attack without having any symptoms (a “silent” myocardial infarction). A silent MI can occur in anyone, but it is more common among diabetics.
When the word got out about my heart situation, the overwhelming response among friends, co-workers and family was something to the effect of: “We thought you were in good shape!”
I thought so, too. On my 60th birthday in July, I did 62 pushups in 60 seconds, 12 pullups and powerwalked two miles. Three days prior to the dog walking incident, I did my usual gym workout of 15 minutes of weight training, 15 minutes on the elliptical machine and 30 minutes on a recumbent bicycle. On the day of surgery, I was five-foot, 10-inches tall, and weighed 192 pounds.
I try to eat a healthy diet, take a nutritious lunch to work and frequently walk during my lunch hour. I’ve always been in good physical shape. I started running in high school, and by the time my knees finally wore out, at age 55, had logged about 40,000 miles. I was active in Taekwondo for 30 years, backpacked and bicycled. I thought I was doing everything right.
But that apparently doesn’t mean much when your family has a history of heart disease. My mom died of a massive coronary when she was 60 years old. Her brother, Vincent Wirth, died of the same thing when he was 54. Mom’s sister, Alina Lynch had massive bypass heart surgery. My grandfather, Leo Wirth, died of heart problems when he was 62.
Everybody is different. Genetically, all of us are dealt a different hand, and we have to play the cards we draw.
But let me urge you: No matter what your family’s medical history is, learn the symptoms of a heart attack. Most importantly, if you suspect ANYTHING is going amiss, call 911 and have it checked out.
Check out the radio interview about heart health on Real-Get Prepared with Vickilynn Haycraft.
Here are some symptoms of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association:
- Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. (Chest discomfort can be described in many ways. The discomfort can occur in the chest or in the arms, back, or jaw. If you have symptoms, take notice.)
- Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
- Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
- Other symptoms may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.
At the first signs of a heart attack, call for emergency treatment (usually 911). The best time to treat a heart attack is within one to two hours of the first onset of symptoms. Waiting longer increases the damage to your heart and reduces your chance of survival.
The Doomsday Prepper's Guide to Self Storage – Great Bend Tribune (blog)
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Survival Knife Review: Bark River Bird and Trout Knife
I won’t carry any knife that doesn’t earn its keep. I think I’ve discovered a new favorite in the Bark River Bird and Trout Knife.
by Leon Pantenburg
In Central Oregon, a “Cast and Blast” float trip on the John Day River is about as much fun as a sportsperson can have. In the fall, you drift the river for smallmouth bass and steelhead salmon. When you hear or see chuckars, pheasants or quail, park the boat, uncase a shotgun and go birdhunting.
For this type of activity, you need a light, handy knife for gutting and field dressing, and that’s what the Bird and Trout Knife was designed for.
Here are the specs:

The Bark River Bird and Trout Knife is a great piece of cutlery for camp use, but it really shines when it comes to bird hunting and fishing.
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Overall Length: 8 Inches
Blade Length: 3.6 Inches
Blade Steel: CPM S35VN @ 59-60 rc
Blade Thickness: .065 Inch
Weight: 2.5 Ounces
I prefer a Mora-style knife for most of my small game hunting, so the Bird and Trout knife was an easy sell. My first impression upon opening the box was that this is a very well-made knife. Workmanship and finish is superb, and the blade comes wicked-sharp.
One of my favorite aspects of the knife is the “Made in the USA” part. The Bark River Knives company is a family-owned business located in Escanaba in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Bark River emphasizes maximum product performance, according to their website, using a blend of traditional and contemporary designs and styles. Manufacturing methods are also a blend of modern and traditional.
Customer service is something else I review, and so far Bark River has been exceptional. I went from the receptionist directly to the president of the company within two phone calls. Both people were courteous, very professional, and quickly provided me with the information I needed.
But great customer support doesn’t mean anything if the product isn’t good, so I started wringing out the knife.
All my knife testing starts in the kitchen. If a knife doesn’t work well under normal cooking and food preparation conditions, you sure don’t want to take it into the woods!
I don’t abuse a knife to test it – you can break anything – and I don’t baton wood to test blade quality. The knife will be used, as closely as possible, for its intended purpose.
Here’s the good stuff:
- The design is similar that of a kitchen paring knife, according to KnivesShipFree, and as such it does a superb job.
- The knife is light, slim and easy to carry. I added a d-ring to the sheath, clipped it to the outside of my pack and went snowshoeing. The knife wasn’t needed for anything but spreading peanut butter, but I’m sure it would have done just fine for 95 percent of what I need a knife for.
- The steel REALLY holds an edge. After a couple weeks of almost daily use, in a variety of tasks, the knife was still razor-sharp. I used it to cut plastic bands on bundles of newspapers, clean fish, work in the kitchen and whittle. I had to deliberately dull the blade to test how hard it was to sharpen. All it took was a few swipes with a butcher’s steel to restore the edge.
- The leather sheath, made by Sharpshooters Sheath Systems, works really well. It holds the knife very securely, but still allows easy access.
The other stuff:
- There is no guard on the handle. It is possible the handle could get slippery from fish slime or blood and your hand might slip onto the blade. That has never happened to me, but it might be a concern to some people.
- The handle fits my wife’s hand perfectly, which makes it a smidgen too short for my preferences. That isn’t a problem, though, and it wouldn’t keep me from buying another knife.
- It is too good a kitchen knife. The knife will most likely get a permanent place in the knife rack, meaning I may have to get another to ride in my game vest.
The Bird and Trout Knife retails for $169.36, and all knives and axes Bark River Knives makes are guaranteed against manufacturing defects for life. If you have problems with a product, just return it and it will be repaired or replaced.
I’m a sucker for handy knives such as the Bird and Trout, and I like everything about this product. It is not a survival knife, but I foresee a long working relationship together.
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Survival cooking: Try a wok for fast, efficient food preparation
When it comes to making a lot of food, fast, it’s hard to beat a wok. Should you consider adding one to your preparedness gear?
by Leon Pantenburg
The three teenaged boys got out of high school about 1 p.m. most days, and they’d generally show up at our house for lunch. They were forming a rock band, and realized the importance of practice. One of their favorite lunches was stir fried rice of some form. I’d have a lot of rice already made and chilled in the refrigerator. I’d fire up the wok, add the pre-chopped ingredients and could stretch the meal as much as needed by adding more rice.
Shortly after eating, practice started, and I’d generally leave to find relative peace and quiet. The boys graduated and decided to follow the musician career path. But one of their favorite meals when they’re in town is still stir fried rice.
A very useful survival cooking tool is a wok. Essentially, a wok is a bowl-shaped fry pan. It originated in China, and is one of the most popular cooking implements in southeast Asia. A wok is designed to work with very high heat and is very useful for cooking something quickly. This eliminates the need for a lot of fuel in the heat source, which can be anything from a biomass stove to a campfire. In a survival situation, a wok would be a great implement for producing large amounts of food quickly.
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The wok I’ve used for years is carbon steel, and I frequently use a stainless steel one made by SilverFire. I bought a cast iron wok, and ended up giving it away. The even-heating characteristics of cast iron make it a bad material for a wok, IMO.
Before using a wok, it needs to be seasoned. The process removes any preservative oil , and replaces it with a light layer of cooking oil. All that is needed is to scrub the wok with soap and water, dry, and then heat it up. Rub the hot metal with vegetable oil and let it cool. Then it’s ready to use.
It is also important to clean a wok after each use. I scrape the wok clean, and use soapy water and a scrub pad. Dry the wok and coat it lightly with vegetable or some other type of cooking oil.
Cooking in a wok is easy. The heat source should be very hot, with the idea of flash frying the food in the hot oil. Stir constantly. Move the cooked food up on the sides of the wok as you go, and reserve the hot center for the items that are being flash fried.
The key to successful wok cooking is to pre-chop everything into bit-sized pieces and keep them in containers. Then, when it’s time to cook, you can dump the ingredients in as needed.
Here’s a great small game stir fry recipe.
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Staying Found: Making sense of the declination diagram
Topographic map users are familiar with the small declination diagram at the bottom of the map. Here is how to use it.
by Blake Miller
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The line with the partial arrow head points to magnetic north (MN.) Without getting bogged down in the pole’s location, the key thing is to understand is that magnetic north is what a compass’ red magnetic needle point to. The numerical value of 19° refers to the declination; the angular measurement between true and magnetic north. In this case, the declination is 19° East. It is this value that the hiker will compensate for in navigation.

Blake Miller
Blake Miller has made a career out of staying found and knowing where he is at all times. His formal navigation training began when he joined the U.S. Navy in 1973. He served as an officer aboard several Navy ships over his twenty-year career; many of those tours included the duty of Navigator. Blake began working with satellite navigation systems at sea in 1976, culminating with the then-new Global Positioning Systems aboard the Battleship WISCONSIN in early 1990.
In 1998 Blake started Outdoor Quest, a business dedicated to backcountry navigation and wilderness survival. Blake has taught classes to wild land firefighters, state agency staffs, Search and Rescue team members, hunters, hikers, skiers, fishermen and equestrians. He regularly teaches classes through the Community Education programs at Central Oregon (Bend) and Chemeketa (Salem, OR) Community Colleges.
As a volunteer, Blake teaches navigation and survival classes, to students in the local school district and conservation groups. He is a member of a Search and Rescue team.
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