Ten reasons to eat rabbit meat, and one award-winning rabbit recipe

Rabbit meat is usually overlooked as a protein source. It shouldn’t be. Here’s why rabbit should be on your menu. by Leon Pantenburg My brother, Mike Pantenburg, and I were looking for unique main dish for a Dutch oven cookoff. But this wasn’t just any cookoff – we had qualified for the International Dutch Oven …

How-to recipe: Make Southwest Chicken Corn Chowder from storage foods

Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation with simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. This chowder recipe comes from the late Jan LaBaron’s  food storage cookbook: ” Jan’s Fabulous Food Storage Recipes: Converting Stored Foods Into Usable Meals.” Southwest Chicken Corn Chowder This …

Storage food recipe: How to make country hash brown breakfast

Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation with simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. Country Hash Brown Breakfast 2 c potatoes, hash browns, dehydrated 3 Tbs onions, chopped, dehydrated 2 Tbs, mixed peppers, chopped, dehydrated Dutch oven cooking is simple and delicious. The …

Foil wrap campfire cooking | Make easy, tasty fuel for outdoor energy

In an emergency, let’s hope you have food and know how to cook it. But what happens if you end up with a fire, some food staples, and a piece of aluminum foil – can you combine those to make a tasty meal? All you need to make a foil dinner is aluminum foil, food …

Recipe: Make quick, easy apricot energy bars

Are you using the storage foods in your pantry? One piece of preparedness advice is that mossy old saying: “Store what you eat, and eat what you store.” Food is the fuel that keeps you warm in the outdoors. (Pantenburg photo) People always want a happy and successful relationship viagra from india is based on …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. Consume one Mast Mood capsule …

Make basic red enchilada sauce from storage foods

Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation using mainly simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. by Leon Pantenburg Enchiladas are a popular Mexican food, and is one of the most popular dishes that could be bought from a street vendor in Mexico. Hence, …

Survival Recipe: Ann Gawith’s Lima Beans and Ham with storage foods

By definition, a survival recipe uses simple, staple  ingredients, is easy to cook, and can be prepared in a one-pot setting using a campfire or woodstove. A collection of easy, tasty recipes should be in every survival kit. Dried Lima beans store well and prove a tasty meal. To help out buy cialis in india …

Video how to: Cook with your indoor Dutch oven using charcoal

Suppose your Dutch oven is designed for inside use, with a rounded top and flat bottom. Can you modify it to work effectively outdoors? Yes, and here’s how. by Leon Pantenburg The question was: How can I use my indoor Dutch oven outdoors with charcoal? Well, a standard Dutch oven, without the legs and rimmed …

Recipe: High Speed Venison

It was a perfect setting for a tailgate party: We were parked next to the Lochsa River in Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest.  We wanted food fast. This Dutch oven, some simple ingredients and a source of heat, is all you need to make “High Speed Venison.” Iverson signed a free agent contract with his old …