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Ten ways to recycle and reuse empty prescription pill bottles


It seems like everybody has some sort of prescription medication. Most of them come in plastic bottles with seal-able caps. Here are some ways to make the best use of this underused resource.

by Leon Pantenburg

I never gave much thought to plastic prescription bottles until I was put on medications after open heart surgery. Suddenly, I was accumulating several of the small containers each month. Having a  “Waste Not, Want Not” Depression-era mentality, I keep them, trusting that some day I will need a prescription bottle and have just the right size. Today, I have – literally – a bushel of different sizes, shapes and cap styles.

If you look around, you can find all sorts of uses for them.

Here are some general tips on using the handy little containers.

  • Check the cap fit first: make sure the container will seal and stay waterproof. If in doubt, test the sealed container in water.
  • Wrap them with several feet of duct tape. You need to carry duct tape anyway, and this is one place where the tape will be handy. You might also wrap a container with a bootlace or piece of paracord.
  • Use labels: You might know what is in the containers, but you may not be the one who needs to use it. On some containers, such as the cotton balls and petroleum jelly, you should post directions on how to use the contents.

Here are 10 different ways to use plastic prescription bottles:

Cotton balls and petroleum jelly make a great firestarter. Carry them in a prescription bottle and take along a quality ferrocerium rod for ignition.

Cotton balls and petroleum jelly make a great firestarter. Carry them in a prescription bottle and take along a quality ferrocerium rod for ignition.

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Matches: Even if your matches are waterproof, they should be carried in a waterproof, shock proof container. You may have to trim the ends of some for them to fit in a prescription bottle, but that’s not a big deal. Make sure to put the abrasive strip from the match box in, too, even if they are of the strike-anywhere variety. Some brands of matches won’t work with different strips. And, you may be in a situation – as in falling in a river on a rainy day –  where there is no dry place to strike a light. Carry several  backup match caches in your gear.

Cotton balls and petroleum jelly firestarter: My all-time favorite, go-to firestarter is cotton balls infused with petroleum jelly. (Don’t waste your time with dryer lint.) The treated cotton balls can be lighted with anything, but I prefer a ferocerrium rod. (Check out the video.) Each treated cotton ball will burn for about four to five minutes, which should be plenty of time to get a fire going. I usually tape two bottles together, with matches in one and firestarter in another. Tape a ferro rod to both and you have a firestarting kit to depend on. 

Sewing kit: A backpacking sewing kit doesn’t have to be elaborate. You need some needles, sturdy thread (I’ve been sewing on buttons with monofilament fishing line forever) and maybe a button or two. Look at the clothing you will be wearing, and think about what could tear or rip, and what you might need to fix it. Then pack your sewing kit bottle accordingly.

Fishing stuff: I don’t carry fishing gear in my pocket survival kits. Here’s why. But on a day hike, I might grab a lightweight fishing rod before leaving and some flies or lures. The prescription  bottles are ideal for packing lures, hooks, weights etc. If you segregate your different types of fishing equipment, you can take what is needed instead of a hulking tackle box with stuff you won’t use.

Sunscreen: Or other specialty lotions, such as chamomile, may be needed.  Sunscreen is one of those lotions you’ll use year-round, and there’s no point in carrying a bulky tube if it isn’t needed.

Pills: Many of us regularly carry prescription medications, and that’s what these bottles were designed for. If you have different meds, separate them in little plastic bags before putting inside the bottle. You can also carry over-the-counter pills for minor aches and pain. As a minimum, I pack aspirin, Imodium and benadryl in addition to prescriptions. 

Containers for flashdrives and digital cards: All records can be saved digitally, and you can take credit card numbers, ID info, PDFs of important documents etc and put them on a flash drive for safekeeping. Put the flashdrives or digital cards in a bottle to protect them from moisture, dust or dirt, and getting broken. Wrap the item in some cloth or something to pad it and keep it from rubbing.

Small screws, items needed for quick repairs: John Nerness, my hiking partner for more than 40 years,  always carried a collection of aluminum pins, clevises and small repair pieces. The items are not heavy, and are well-chosen to fix a broken backpack and possibly a stove. (John is also an engineer, and always on the lookout to fix things.) During a hike in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, the strap connection on a backpack broke, and he had the repair part. Take along an aluminum pin, some split rings, a couple feet of wire, and any small parts that may break.

Geocache containers: A great field exercise for learning to use your GPS is geocaching. The idea is to put a cache somewhere, post the coordinates on any of a number of geocache websites and let someone else find it. It should be good, clean fun – the motto is “Cache in, trash out.”

Food containers: If you’re backpacking and want to reduce weight, only take along what will be needed.  Check to make sure the lids seal. For insurance, carry any liquids double wrapped in a plastic bag. You can carry cooking oil, syrup, spices or whatever is needed to turn trail food into a gourmet meal.

Look at your gear – chances are you can find something that can be packed more efficiently in a small prescription bottle. In addition to recycling a resource, you’re also making the best, most efficient use of items that might otherwise get thrown away.

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Stocking stuffer: Make an effective firemaking kit out of recyclables


Can you easily access your matches if you need to start a survival fire? Check out these different kinds or match containers before choosing.

by Leon Pantenburg

Here’s very possible survival scenario from where I live in Central Oregon.

An emergency campfire may be the key to surviving an unexpected dip in an icy river.

An emergency campfire may be the key to surviving an unexpected dip in an icy river. (Pete Erickson photo)

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Snow is on the ground, it’s cold, and you’re duck hunting or fishing on a fast-running stream in your waders. You slip and get a quick dunking in the 33 degree water, and must get to shore and make a quick warming fire. If you can’t get a fire going quickly, hypothermia is a possibility.

The butane lighter in your pocket won’t work because it’s too cold. You can’t open your match container, because some sand got in the threads of the opener. Now, what will you do?

(I’m just testing you regulars out there. Of course you’re going to  have cotton balls infused with Vaseline and a ferrocerium rod along. Making a quick fire will be a done deal.)

I generally don’t carry matches in my survival gear (here’s why), because they are unreliable, and a finite ignition source. Under ideal circumstances, a trained outdoorsperson should be able to light one campfire with each match. But survival situations, by definition, are not ideal, and you need a reliable firestarting kit that will work under most circumstances.

That being said, I sometimes include a container of matches if I’m heading out with untrained people. Chances are, most people know what matches look like, and have a general idea of how to use them.

So let’s assume you have some quality matches. How will you carry them? 

The most basic method, I suppose, is to carry them loose in your pocket. The next step up might be to carry them in a plastic bag. Again, bad idea, since there is virtually no protection.

Here are some things to consider about choosing a match container:

  • Could you open it with wet, cold, possibly muddy hands?
  • If you were injured, could you open the container with one hand?
  • Does it have a striking surface that would stay dry?
  • Is the container brightly-colored in case you drop it in snow or in the darkness?
  • Will the container protect the contents if it is dropped or stepped on?

The striking surface is really important. A strike-anywhere match can’t be struck everywhere. During a sleet storm in the wilderness, for example, a dry surface may be really difficult to find! A wet surface will ruin the tip of the match, and not create enough friction to cause ignition. Too coarse a surface might cause the head to snap off. So, the best bet is to include a piece of the match box abrasive strip inside the container.

Here are some match containers I have used.

I carried one of these containers for years before discovering how dangerous they can be.

I carried one of these containers for years before discovering how dangerous they can be.

 Plastic bag: When car camping, the safest way to light a stove or lantern is with one of those long-stemmed butane lighters. But in the cold, butane doesn’t vaporize easily, so I carry backup matches. Book or strike-anywhere matches don’t do well in damp conditions, so sealing them from moisture is common sense.

Metal: When I was a kid, assembling my survival gear for the wilds of Iowa, I ordered a metal match container from Herter’s. (How many of you baby boomers remember this company?) The match container was made of seamless nickel plated brass, had a rubber seal, and was waterproof. A striking surface was on the body of the container. It had a ring so it could be secured.

If you currently have one of these in your survival kit, get rid of it! I found that the metal container jams when sand, grit, pocket lint, etc get in the threads of the top device. In some instances, the the thing would lock up solid, required two pliers to twist the thing open. And forget about opening it with one hand!

Don’t depend on a piece of gear that could prove dangerous.

Prescription bottles/containers: Everybody has a prescription for something, and the recycled bottles make good match containers. I particularly like the screw-on type. In addition to carrying matches, the bottles also make excellent carriers for cotton balls and Vaseline firestarters.

Cotton balls infused with petroleum jelly, combined with a metal match, make an effective and reliable firestarting method!

This is an effective way to carry matches and firestarter in plastic, waterproof match containers.

Plastic: These are the containers I currently use. They’re cheap – about a buck or so at Walmart, available in blaze orange, and have a flint striker on the bottom. I find the striker largely ineffective for making sparks, and I wouldn’t rely on it to start a fire.

But the tops can be twisted off easily, even one-handed. In a pinch, you could hold the top with your teeth and get the container open.

Survival expert Peter Kummerfeldt recommends this setup: duct tape two of the containers together, with ferrocerium rod attached. Put matches in one container, and cotton balls infused with Vaseline in the other. Duct tape the two together, and you have an effective methods of combining your firemaking tools.

This setup gives you everything you need to get a fire going in virtually any circumstance or situation.

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Pilot Bread: Try this modern day version of hardtack


 Hardtack has been an emergency ration since time immemorial. Here’s a look at pilot bread, a modern day version of hardtack and why you should consider including it in your survival gear.

by Leon Pantenburg

I’ve carried and eaten hardtack since my time in the Confederate infantry, and baking it is another history-related activity I enjoy. When I’m really going primitive, hunting with my flintlock rifle, I might pack hardtack, jerky and dehydrated corn for lunch.

Pilot bread is a form of modern hardtack. Consider it as an addition to your storage foods.

Pilot bread is a form of modern hardtack. Consider it as an addition to your storage foods.

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But if you’d rather buy a similar hard cracker product for long term storage, take a look at pilot bread. I get my pilot bread from the Freeze Dry Guy, but the product is widely available. It’s a good staple to have on hand – it’s sorta tasty, durable, and has a long shelf life.

If I had to describe pilot bread, I’d call it a salt-less saltine, but with a tougher texture. While the bread is hard, it is easily bitten off, and the texture is much softer than the traditional recipe hardtack I make. Pilot bread also has fewer crumbs than a standard saltine. A nice feature is the durability – pilot bread with peanutbutter and/or fruit jam stands up well to travel in a daypack.

Pilot bread is a common storage food item in Hawaii, and Alaska and The Diamond Bakery “Saloon Pilot” cracker is available in many stores.  Sailor Boy brand Pilot Bread is well-known in the Northwest United States and Alaska, and I got mine at the local Food 4 Less.

It is “a very inspirational food” in Alaska, according to the Sailor Boy Facebook page. Alaskans are among the last to eat hardtack as a significant part of their normal diet. Interbake Foods of Richmond, Virginia, produces much of the commercially available hardtack under the “Sailor Boy” label—98 percent of its production goes to Alaskans.

Originally imported as a food product that could handle rigorous transportation throughout Alaska, pilot bread has become a favored food even as other, less robust foods have become available. Alaskan law requires all light aircraft to carry “survival gear,” including food.

The blue-and-white Sailor Boy Pilot Bread boxes are common at Alaskan airstrips, in cabins, and virtually every village. Whether it’s topped with salmon spread, seal oil or old-school Crisco and sugar, chances are if you’ve ever lived in rural Alaska you’re familiar with that long, rectangular, navy blue box. The Alaska Dispatch claims pilot bread is soul food for rural Alaskans -mothers give it to their babies to teeth on, village grocery stores, no matter how sparse, carry it on their shelves, and seldom does a hunting party venture out in the country, or a family head to fish camp, without a supply stowed away in someone’s bag.

Lots of people have their favorite ways to enjoy them: topped with cheese or Spam or  spread with peanut butter and jam or honey. You can also spread them with ground meat, cheese and tomato sauce and make pizzas.  some people even know how to make “pizzas” with them.

For more info from the Alaska Dispatch click on pilot bread

While I use pilot bread frequently, I also bake hardtack for backcountry trips and the bread’s conversational value around the campfire. Here is a very traditional hardtack recipe from the Civil War. When done, this hardtack has the consistency of a fired brick, and lives up to the nickname of “teeth dullers.”

Army Hardtack Recipe
  • 4 cups flour (preferably whole wheat)
  • 4 teaspoons salt
  • Water (about 2 cups)
  • Pre-heat oven to 375° F
  • Makes about 10 pieces

After cutting the squares, press a pattern of four rows of four holes into each square, using a nail or other such object. Do not punch through the dough.  The appearance you want is similar to that of a modern saltine cracker.  Turn each square over and do the same thing to the other side.

Place the squares on an ungreased cookie sheet in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Turn each piece over and bake for another 30 minutes. The crackers should be slightly brown on both sides.

The fresh crackers are easily broken, but as they dry, they harden and assume the traditional texture. Widgets

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Leave a Note, Save Your Life!


If nobody knows you’ve gone, or where to look, or when you might be back, it could be a long wait  to be rescued! An detailed note, left behind before any outing, should be Standard Operating Procedure. The note could end up being a lifesaver!

These writing materials could be some of your most important survival items!

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by Leon Pantenburg

Before writing anything, though, consider who the note will be entrusted to. It must be a reliable person who cares, and who can be relied upon to contact the proper authorities if you don’t show up as scheduled.

The standard style for an informative news story (which is what this note is) is based on the “Five Ws.” This model is taught in journalism schools, and the name refers to: Who, What, Where, Why and When.
Answer all these questions, and you will give the search and rescue folks a better chance of finding you quickly.

WHO: Start with your name and cell phone number. Also include the names of other people in the party and their cell phone numbers. The phone numbers can be critical: if one cell doesn’t get coverage, another might. Or one phone could be damaged or run out of battery power. All the numbers increase your chances of communication!
Include the make, model, year and license number of the vehicle you’re taking.

WHAT: The purpose of the outing is to do…Fill in the blank, and be specific. A mountaineering expedition to scale a peak differs tremendously from a fishing expedition to the lake at the base. Knowing the purpose of the trip helps narrow down where a lost person might be. It can also help emergency personnel prepare themselves more effectively for the search.

WHERE: I like to use GPS coordinates here. Put the coordinates (and the datum) down of where you intend to park your vehicle, waypoints of your route and your destination. Even if the weather gets nasty and your GPS won’t work, rescuers will have a good idea of where to look. A map left with the “Five Ws” note could be very helpful if you don’t use a GPS!

WHY: An important question, and one that will help rescuers know where to look. A wildflower photography or fishing trek may not cover a lot of ground. Rescuers will know to concentrate their efforts around the WHERE.

A 20-mile jaunt on the Pacific Crest Trail, though, means you’re ambitious, possibly lightly-clad and equipped and capable of covering a lot of ground. The search may have to be expanded. WHY also provides a clue as to how prepared the lost persons might be.

WHEN: You anticipate getting back at what time?  When should the person with the note contact rescuers?An additional insurance aspect is to take a piece of aluminum foil, step on it with the shoe you will be wearing to leave a footprint. Include the foil with the note. Searchers can then eliminate obviously bigger or smaller footprints with different tread patterns on the trail.Put the note, map and footprint in a gallon ziplock bag. Write the name of the missing person or party on the bag with a felt-tip pen, and hand the package over to rescuers.

Survival common sense is a combination of many small, inter-related skills and techniques. An informative note before leaving on your trek is a good place to start.


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