Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. Consume one Mast Mood capsule …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. How does Tadalis work This …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. A man’s performance in the …

Civil War survival lessons from a 92nd Illinois Infantryman

Home Basic survival skills don’t change. Here are some lessons from a Civil War infantryman on how to provide food, shelter and improvise lighting during hard campaigning. by Leon Pantenburg  I ordered by inter-library loan a book named “Three Years with the 92nd Illinois: The Civil War Diary of John M. King.” My great-great-grandfather, Pvt …