How to make organic jerky treats for dogs

The best way to show honor and respect for a big game animal is to use every part after you’ve killed it. Here’s an easy way to make dog treats from meat scraps that would otherwise get thrown away. by Leon Pantenburg Inevitably, there will be scraps of meat, gristle and fat when you’re done …

Damper Recipes: Try Australia’s survival bread

“Have you heard of Damper? It’s an Australian bread that’s made using few ingredients and cooked in a campfire. Stockmen and drovers would make it using their basic camping rations.” from Alex in Comments by Leon Pantenburg Actually, I had not heard of Damper, but I never need much excuse to experiment with survival …

Serious as a heart attack: Would you know the symptoms if and when they happen?

Every outdoorsman should know the symptoms of a heart attack. Here’s the story of my wake-up call that happened three years ago. by Leon Pantenburg I felt fine on the morning of Dec. 13, 2012.  But the night before, during my daily 1.4-mile powerwalk with the dog, I felt an unusual shortness of breath, and …

Check out these do-it-yourself preparedness gifts kids can make

As far as I’m concerned, a home-made Christmas gift with some thought behind it trumps the most expensive thing you can buy. And, this is guaranteed:  If  a child makes a preparedness gift for a loved one, that item will be cherished, included in a survival kit and used. by Leon Pantenburg When my daughter, …

Venison recipe |Try Bob’s Minnesota Venison Jerky for a tasty, quick energy snack

I hear from my hunting buddies after successful hunts, and we swap recipes, stories and lies. Here’s a jerky recipe from a successful Minnesota hunter. by Bob Patterson Bob and I were  college roommates at Iowa State University, and have done many, many camping, backpacking, climbing, canoeing and hunting trips together. Bob retired after a …

Best commercial survival firestarter? We test the Lightning-Strike ‘Napalm Tinder’

How important is a survival firestarter? Well, in some instances, it could be a gamechanger or lifesaver. by Leon Pantenburg I was not paid to do this review. is a sponsor, and supplied the sample “Napalm Tinder” for testing and review. All I ever promise anyone is a fair rpoduct test, and I …

Review | We check out the Wrangler Riggs Ripstop Ranger Pant

Your clothing is your first line of defense against hypothermia, scratches, bug bites etc. But what will you wear that is both durable and well-designed? by Leon Pantenburg I was not paid to do this review, and bought Wrangler Riggs because I needed pants with pockets that could hold stuff while I was traveling. Wrangler …

Five prepper gifts for the homeless during cold weather

Virtually every community has people living on the streets. Want to help them out? Here’s some suggestions for gifts and donations you may already have. by Leon Pantenburg I won’t give cash to people soliciting on the streets. But my faith dictates that I not ignore them. I make cash donations to the Salvation Army. …

Check out these winter driving tips from AAA and other experts

Sometimes the best winter driving advice is “Don’t go!” But if you must be on the road, here are some tips from the American Automobile Association and other expert sources. by Leon Pantenburg Bend, Oregon – I’m looking out the window at what remains of a 12-inch snow dump last week, freezing rain and potentially …

Simple survival tips for using a map and compass

It’s really hard to think when there’s this awful, nauseating realization that you may be lost in the wilderness and you start to panic. Suppose you have a map and compass along, and a basic idea of how to use them. But maybe you didn’t think about using them…// // The day may start out …