Best bushcraft knife? We review the American Knife Company Forest Knife

Check out this bushcraft knife. by Leon Pantenburg Mors Kochanski needs no introduction to hardcore wilderness survival practitioners. He’s a Canadian bushcraft and wilderness survival instructor, naturalist and author, and his established skills and experience in boral forest survival helped set the standard. The American Knife Company Forest knife is based on a tried and …

Six plastic bags to use as survival tools

Common items can become valuable survival gear when used properly. Among the most useful are some you probably already have in your kitchen. by Leon Pantenburg When you check out outdoor schools and primitive survival skills, notice how much time is  invested in making containers. A lot of effort may be devoted to fashioning water …

Prepare, practice these tips to keep kids safe outdoors

In an instant, the backpacking trip in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains turned from an idyllic family outing to every parent’s nightmare. By Leon Pantenburg One moment, my son Daniel, 16 months old at the time, was playing around the campsite. In the next, despite the close supervision of four adults, he had vanished. Though warmly dressed, …

10 essential survival skills you need to know

What skills do you need to survive a disaster or emergency situation? Well, some of that depends on the nature of the situation. Here are 10 essential long term survival skills. by Leon Pantenburg Probably the most-asked question about wilderness survival and preparedness is: “Where do I start?” and/or “What are the most important skills …

Peter Kummerfeldt: How to build common sense emergency survival shelters

If we are to believe the survival manuals and the “how-to-survive” articles published in the popular outdoor press, building a shelter from natural shelters in an emergency should be a piece of cake!  After all, look at all the trees, bushes, bark and other natural materials you have to work with! by Peter Kummerfeldt Based …

Check out these winter driving tips from AAA and other experts

Sometimes the best winter driving advice is “Don’t go!” But if you must be on the road, here are some tips from the American Automobile Association and other expert sources. by Leon Pantenburg Bend, Oregon – I’m looking out the window at what remains of a 12-inch snow dump last week, freezing rain and potentially …

Simple survival tips for using a map and compass

It’s really hard to think when there’s this awful, nauseating realization that you may be lost in the wilderness and you start to panic. Suppose you have a map and compass along, and a basic idea of how to use them. But maybe you didn’t think about using them…// // The day may start out …

Use desert survival techniques to gather water during a flood

An  irony of floods is that muddy, filthy water inundates everything, but there is generally a shortage of drinking water! People stranded by standing water may be able to adapt desert survival skills to gather potable water. by Leon Pantenburg Widespread flooding is occurring all over.  Deadly floods have slammed South Carolina, and other areas …

How to make paracord bootlaces – check out the videos!

If survival gear is part of your wardrobe, you’ll be more prepared for an emergency. Check out the video on how to make boot or shoe laces out of  paracord. by Leon Pantenburg I replaced all my boot laces with paracord. (Pantenburg photo) If buying generic cialis any obstruction or blockage comes in any of …

Hatchet or saw: Choose the best portable survival kit woodcutting tool

We’ll assume you already have the survival knife and  basic Ten Essentials, and are assembling the rest of the tools needed for a portable survival kit. Do you need to add a hatchet or a small  saw? This custom pipe tomahawk is a useful survival tool and weapon, but it may not be a good choice to …