Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. Consume one Mast Mood capsule …

Flintlock .40 caliber longrifle: My favorite hunting rifle is an oldtimer

One of my favorite outdoor activities is hunting squirrels with a flintlock rifle. I’m there for the experience, and here’s how I set that up. By Leon Pantenburg The ker-floo of the flintlock firing and cloud of gunsmoke momentarily masked everything. The head-shot squirrel plopped onto  the forest duff. This book inspired me to become …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. A man’s performance in the …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. How does Tadalis work This …