Venison recipe: How to make meatball stew over a campfire

How do you cook venison over a campfire at hunting camp? Here’s a quick, easy and delicious recipe from a master Dutch oven cook that can be done anywhere. This tasty venison stew is simple to make and will feed several hungry outdoorspeople. After canada viagra all, it does work on the hormones. However, cost-effectiveness …

Venison recipe: How to make meatball stew over a campfire

How do you cook venison over a campfire at hunting camp? Here’s a quick, easy and delicious recipe from a master Dutch oven cook that can be done anywhere. This tasty venison stew is simple to make and will feed several hungry outdoorspeople. It is recommended that men should relax and rest well, exercise, eat …

Survival knife video: Choose the correct blade spine for ferro rod firestarting

An often overlooked part of a survival blade is the back, or spine. With the proper grind, the back can provide an edge that saves the razor edge for other uses. by Leon Pantenburg It’s easy to ignore the dull part of the knife blade. But the spine, ground correctly, can becomes another useful part …

Five reasons why heading for the hills during an emergency is a bad idea

 Here’s why “bugging out” and “heading for the hills” won’t work. by Leon Pantenburg Camping is fun. Surviving in the wilderness is not, and it’s really hard work. Hence, poor circulation is directly proportional to poor blood order tadalafil supply to the penile organ can cause listless erection. When this ingredient mixes up in the …

Choose the best wilderness survival/hunting knife for backcountry big game hunting

Every big game hunter, prepper and survivalist needs a selection of knives for processing the meat of large animals. by Leon Pantenburg Visit our store! For the most part, the concoction mixes utilized as cialis vs levitra a part of them are light in weight yet powerful enough. Learning to drive is not enough; you …

Flash Floods: Plan Ahead For Quick Reaction

More people die of drowning in the desert than of thirst, according to the United States Geological Survey. In the wilderness, and in particular desert areas, flash flooding can be a real, immediate and deadly danger. by Leon Pantenburg Death Valley, California, December, 1977:  The rain pattering on the tarp woke us up and my …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. How does Tadalis work This …

Check out this Dutch oven squirrel recipe

Subsistence hunting is nothing new, nor was it ever limited to just aboriginal people. Small game, especially squirrels and rabbits, can be an important part of a survival diet. My father told this story from the Great Depression: Squirrel hunting can be challenging, but the meat is tasty and nourishing. A man’s performance in the …

Check out the radio interview with Mountain Woman Journals

I was interviewed by Tammy Trayer, author the Mountain Woman Journals last week. We talked about a variety of fun topics related to survival including survival mindset, packing the right tools and Dutch oven cooking. Listen to the show here. (Just scroll down the page to Mountain Woman Journals: Interview with Leon Pantenburg) Thanks for tuning …

Multi-Grain Biscuit Mix Provides Great Survival Food

Good recipes for stored staples may be one of your most useful survival tools. Biscuits, made from a healthy, homemade mix, can provide good nutrition and taste! by Leon Pantenburg Prepared people know that keeping the family fed during an emergency is a priority. But over the long haul, diet monotony can be a problem. Eating the …