Ten reasons to eat rabbit meat, and one award-winning rabbit recipe

Rabbit meat is usually overlooked as a protein source. It shouldn’t be. Here’s why rabbit should be on your menu. by Leon Pantenburg My brother, Mike Pantenburg, and I were looking for unique main dish for a Dutch oven cookoff. But this wasn’t just any cookoff – we had qualified for the International Dutch Oven …

Camping recipe | Try this bacon and onion foil wrap for a tasty campfire treat

Foil wraps make campfire cooking simple and fun. This recipe is easy to make, and will be a snap to cook over a grill or campfire. With more blood in your penis, cheapest cialis in australia you can enjoy a long and satisfying love and sex life! Today, it is possible to buy a huge …

Include these simple flour recipes in your survival gear

Good, practical recipes can help you make the most efficient use of basic food staples in a survival situation! Hardtack is easy to make, has a long shelf life, and the texture of a fired brick! It is definitely a survival food, but you wouldn’t want to eat it for long periods of time! With …

Five tips for Dutch oven cooking

Dutch oven enthusiasts are always swapping tips or advice to improve their cooking. Here are five easy hints that don’t cost much but could a . by Leon Pantenburg I routinely include a dutch oven in my outdoor activities. Here are a few easy tips for making outdoor cooking easier. Carry your oven in a …

Video how to: Cook with your indoor Dutch oven using charcoal

Suppose your Dutch oven is designed for inside use, with a rounded top and flat bottom. Can you modify it to work effectively outdoors? Yes, and here’s how. by Leon Pantenburg The question was: How can I use my indoor Dutch oven outdoors with charcoal? Well, a standard Dutch oven, without the legs and rimmed …

How to: Cook with with your indoor Dutch oven using charcoal

Suppose your Dutch oven is designed for inside use, with a rounded top and flat bottom. Can you modify it to work effectively outdoors? Yes, and here’s how. by Leon Pantenburg The question was: How can I use my indoor Dutch oven outdoors with charcoal? Well, a standard Dutch oven, without the legs and rimmed …

For a quick tasty campfire meal try Venison Delight

Part of the challenge with wilderness survival recipes is coming up with innovative names so you’ll remember which is which! In this recipe, we combine simplicity with some basic foil wrap cooking techniques. Cerebral Palsy, in itself is a condition that does’nt sildenafil professional progress on its own. Let’s discuss some of the reasons which influence you …

Campfire cooking recipe: Cottonwood grilled chicken

Home I love regional recipes, and came across a great one for grilled Cottonwood Grilled Chicken in June at a family reunion. by Leon Pantenburg  The Pantenburg Family Reunion, held every two or three years, is located in different part of the United States. The last event of every gathering typically includes a discussion of …

Survival recipe video: How to Make Easy, Foil Wrap Fish

Home Nothing says survival food has to be tasteless. This recipe uses aluminum foil and a campfire to make one of my favorite trout recipes. by Leon Pantenburg I don’t carry fishing gear in my pocket survival kit. But it is rare for me not to have fishing gear along if Get a foolproof survival …

Recipe: Troop 18 Foil Wrap Cobbler

Home Think your child is a fussy eater? Try this recipe on a campout, and let the fussy eater make his/her own. This really simple recipe is a crowd pleaser, and it is so easy to be successful! by Leon Pantenburg I’ve been a Boy Scout cooking merit badge counselor for years, and I really …