Worth Reading: “Survival Psychology” gives the mental baseline for survival

BOOK REVIEW:  Survival Psychology by John Leach One idea survival book authors may be able to agree upon is that mental attitude is critical. Countless documented cases  prove  your attitude and reaction to the situation,  not your gear, is the most important factor is staying alive. by Leon Pantenburg Some twenty years before the rash of …

Recipe: High Speed Venison

It was a perfect setting for a tailgate party: We were parked next to the Lochsa River in Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest.  We wanted food fast. This Dutch oven, some simple ingredients and a source of heat, is all you need to make “High Speed Venison.” Iverson signed a free agent contract with his old …

Video: Here is how to find a survival water source in vines

 Maybe you’ll be one of the unlucky victims, and find yourself surrounded by a sea of muddy,  polluted water that isn’t safe to drink. If that’s the case, let’s hope you have a supply of drinking water available! In some wetlands areas, the only safe drinking water might come from vines, such as the one …