Survival Recipe: Feathery light Alfredo Sauce for pasta


Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation using mainly simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods.

Pasta Alfredo

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 by Leon Pantenburg

One of the aspects of preparedness that constantly amazes me is the potential taste of the storage food.

Get the right recipe, and you’ll find all sorts of combinations that can turn those long term staples into delicious meals.

Gravies and sauces are right at the top of the survival recipes list in importance. The right topping can take pasta, rice, potatoes etc and make them into a brand new taste sensation.

This recipe, from “Jan’s Fabulous Food Storage Recipes,” by Jan LeBaron, is a great choice for quick, delicious pasta meal.

Feathery Light Alfredo Sauce

2 Tbs chicken broth

2 tsp granulated garlic

1/2 c parmesan cheese, dried

2 c white cream soup base

4 c water

1/8 tsp black pepper

2 Tbs Italian seasoning, dried

In medium pan, bring water to a boil, add chicken broth, garlic granules, lower heat to a medium boil, slowly whisk in a white cream soup base, add pepper and Italian seasoning.

As mixture starts to thicken, slowly add most of Parmesan cheese, reserve a small amount to sprinkle over top.

Serve Alfredo sauce over the top of your favorite pasta, add any meat or vegetables and top with additional Parmesan.

A family favorite  is to rehydrate broccoli and chicken and toss with pasta before adding Alfredo sauce then add additional Alfredo.

For more survival recipes and cooking tips, check out these blogs:  Survival Pantry, and Survival Recipes and Off-Grid Cooking



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Lancaster bracing for first winter storm
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Don’t Be Left in the Dark: Prepare for Power Outages Now!


I’m watching the rain and snow beat on my window pane during the first storm of  2013 in Central Oregon. But the rest of the country is facing major storms and power blackouts.

A survival situation can develop in your home when the power goes out. The backup plan must include emergency lighting.

A survival situation can develop in your home when the power goes out. The backup plan must include emergency lighting. (Pantenburg photos)

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If you lived in those affected areas, let’s hope you are prepared for power outages. Here are some tips to keep you from sitting in the dark.

Check out this Altoid tin survival kit kit with knife!

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by Leon Pantenburg

This brings an important topic to the forefront : What happens when high winds, heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures combine to knock out the electricity in your home?

Emergency preparedness means you should have backup systems or plans for heat, lighting and water. If you’re lucky, the power won’t be off long, but batteries are gone after a few days, unless you have a way to recharge them. A generator will only work until it runs out of fuel.

One of the more important aspects of urban survival during winter storms is lighting. Without a lighting plan, you could end up in the dark from when the sun sets at around 5:30 p.m. until dawn. The right lighting supplies can make this situation more bearable.

This scenario is familiar to Tom Dumalt, manager of Globe Lighting in Bend, OR.

Dumalt lived in the Milwaukee, OR., area from 1978 through 1981, he said, when days-long power outages were common. While various battery-operated light sources work well, Dumalt also recommends stocking up with plenty of candles and matches because emergency power only lasts so long.

For the long term, candles may be one of the best choices, he said, because they’re cheap, easily available
and easy to use safely.

And if you’re a scrounger/recycler/prepper, candles are something that is always on the “To-Buy” list. And they have a place in any urban survival kit.

When buying candles for a potential power outage, all you’re really

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations.

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations.

concerned about is quantity.  The aesthetics and mood of a romantic candle-lit dinner will soon wear off, and everyone will soon be more concerned about seeing what is for dinner.

Great places to find really cheap candles are garage and rummage sales and thrift stores. It doesn’t matter if the candles are outdated Christmas or novelty candles, odds-and-ends from a dinner party, or clunky art projects – all they have to do is provide light. Buy all you can find and stockpile them.

Another good lighting choice is the old-fashioned kerosene lamps our grandparents used. My urban survival kit includes several such lanterns and lamps, plus a supply of kerosene to fuel them. A standard Deitz lantern, according to the manufacturer, will burn up to eight hours on one tankfull of fuel. 21st Century Inc 210-32060 Hurricane Lantern No. 30

Other garage sale treasures can include old Coleman gas lanterns. These run on Coleman camp fuel or (in some cases) unleaded gasoline, and they can be dirt cheap. I was given several once after an estate sale, when nobody would buy them. Repairing them was not difficult, and if I can fix one, so can you.

Generally, the reason gas lanterns don’t work is because of a worn-out pump or from being clogged from dirty fuel. Sometimes a good cleaning is all they need. Repair parts are dirt cheap too, so there is no reason you can’t have several. Coleman Two-Mantle Dual Fuel Lantern with Hard Case

Before you lay in a stock of lighting sources that require combustion, consider how safe they are, and if they will work for your intended purpose.

Probably the first consideration is if your lighting source emits carbon monoxide. This odorless gas is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in America, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. Carbon monoxide results from the incomplete combustion of fuels such as wood, kerosene, gasoline, charcoal, propane, natural gas and oil.

This means a gas, kerosene or propane-powered lantern has the potential to be life-threatening in a closed, well-sealed space, says Gary Marshall, deputy chief with the Bend Fire Department.

The red kerosene and Coleman gasoline lanterns can provide a source of efficient lighting, but be aware of potential carbon monoxide problems.

All of these light sources must be used in a well-ventilated area only, Marshall said. Remember, if the electricity is off, so is the fan motor in your furnace, and there may not be a way to circulate air.

Both the American Red Cross and the Bend Fire Department recommend an emergency illumination source that is battery-powered.

In any emergency lighting situation, you should be prepared with battery-operated lamps or flashlights, Marshall said. Be very careful with candles or any open flame.

An important part of any emergency preparations is The Plan. Come up with a plausible lighting scenario for your area, then decide how you will handle it.

Think about your lighting needs when there is no electricity, Dumalt advises. When the sun comes up, will you need a light source to work? If so, can you move the work area to take advantage of sunlight?

Look at window placement as it relates to lighting, he added. Would the best idea be to shut down other areas of the house, and move into a central area that is more easily lighted and heated?

Another consideration is what the lighting needs are when the sun goes down. Decide what area you’ll be in when it becomes dark, Dumalt said, then think about the most effective way to light it for different activities. A single candle might be enough to light one area for certain activities, while more light might be needed later for cooking, bathing or washing clothes.

In some cases, such as two people reading together, a single candle will be enough, Dumalt said. In situations where it can be done safely, you can use a candle or lamp to save batteries.

While you’re picking up candles, stock up on extra batteries, too, and be sure to check your flashlights or electric lanterns to determine which batteries they require.

Here are some emergency power outage tips from the American Red Cross:

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Ten old tech gadgets that will come in handy when the electricity goes out


Some perfectly good items may be  laying around your house unused, because they have been replaced by electronic gadgets. Here are some oldies that could prove to be really valuable when the grid goes down.

by Leon Pantenburg

Check out this survival LED light for a keychain!

Check out this survival LED light for a keychain!

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Before electricity was common, many of these tools and implements were so common as to escape notice. But let the power go out and you will appreciate the old-time technology. Here are some things that will make life easier during a blackout.

 Kerosene lamps: I love the old antique glass lamps and lanterns and am always on the look out for them at garage sales or antique stores. But in addition to looking cool, they can also provide efficient lighting. My kerosene lamp can burn for about eight hours on one filling of about a pint. That is plenty of light for an evening, when the alternative is to sit in the dark. You can add candles to this category. Battery-operated lights will last as long as there is a charge in the battery.

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations. Check out thrift stores and garage sales for good deals. (Pantenburg photo)

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations. Check out thrift stores and garage sales for good deals. (Pantenburg photo)

Can opener: Some people only have an electric can opener, which, obviously is worthless in a blackout. Get a crank manual can opener, or at least a P-38 military rations opener. I always have a can opener on my everyday carry Swiss Army Tinker, and I’m always surprised at how often that feature is used.

Glass fruit jar: You probably don’t think much about these items. But in addition to holding various food items, they can also be improvised into an oil lamp. The technique is easy, and a fruit jar oil lamps will go a long way toward stretching your other lighting sources.

Hand mixer: The crank mixer works well, and can supply aerobic exercise if the job is long enough!

Check out this manual mixer

Hand tools: I have my Dad’s old wood saw, as well as several folding saws. There is no better tool for cutting firewood, trimming branches, processing large meat animals etc. An axe is another valuable item to have.  The crank hand drill is one of the oldest tools.

Cheese grater: I included this because I don’t like dicing cheese with a knife. You can also use it to grate soap for laundry and onions and garlic for cooking.

Cell phone charger: (Not old timey, unless you consider that you’re generating electricity with a crank!) I bought a hand crank charger to test, and it works fine. You’ll find lots of volunteers to crank it when it comes time to charge phones, laptops and various electronic items.

Biomass stove: Cooking is a real challenge without power unless you have a reliable source of heat. Check out your camping gear, and if you’ve prepared well, you may have some variation of this tool.

Cast iron Dutch oven: Probably the most versatile cooking implement ever invented, everybody should have at least one Dutch oven. I regularly use my ovens for cooking, and they work superbly over a propane heater, charcoal or a campfire.

Recipes: Many of the old time recipes evolved because of  food shortages, or regional preferences. Some recipes from your area are designed to take advantage of seasonal crop harvests or garden excesses. Regardless, check out the local old time recipes and keep a file somewhere.

If you don’t have that food heritage, get a good food storage cookbook. The best one I’ve ever come across is “Jan’s Fabulous Food Storage Recipes,” written by the late Jan LeBaron. Jan owned a storage foods company, and compiled 435 recipes to help people get started cooking storage foods. It’s my go-to food storage recipe book, and a copy should be stored right on the shelf next to the storage food.

Obviously, if you look around, you’ll find all sorts of things that can help you get through a blackout. But don’t overlook those low tech items that may be in the back of the pantry, or stored on a shelf in the garage. Some day, they might prove to be really, really useful.

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Preppers want to grind out more victories – Standard Speaker

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Preppers want to grind out more victories
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Kupsho brings the most experience back to a young Prepper squad. Opening his 10th season at the helm of the MMI boys’ basketball program, Joe Flanagan is used to the grind by now. The good, the bad, the ugly – he’s seen at all as the Preppers‘ head 

Handling winter cold: Mind over matter?


Ever run across people who seem impervious to cold? It could be a case of mind over matter.

by Leon Pantenburg

I was raised in the Midwest, and the winters get seriously cold. Temperatures of -30 below zero are not uncommon, and some of the winter storms can have windchill temperatures of  -60 below.

My favorite time of year for camping is in the winter. But you have to know how to handle the cold!

My favorite time of year for camping is in the winter. But you have to know how to handle the cold!

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As a student at Iowa State University, I hung out with a group of avid winter campers. Every year, the first big storm coincided with the first winter campout. A pine forest near campus was the camping area. My personal record for Iowa cold weather camping was a night where the ambient temperature hit -10 degrees. That didn’t include the windchill.

But I’m not one of those cold tolerant people. I can only function in frigid weather with good equipment.

But my dad, and most of the farmers I knew, seemed to have metabolisms like penguins. My dad worked outside all the time, and he rarely wore more than a zip-up insulated hoodie with a light jacket over it. He wore rubber galoshes over his work shoes to keep his feet warm, and Dad’s hands were protected with inexpensive cotton work gloves.

Dressed like that, Dad could work outside all day in all but the coldest weather.

There are people who get used to the cold and in the above video, “Dr. Popsicle” explains the phenomenon. I have no intention of researching this further – I’m sticking with the right fibers and layers in my clothing! Check out the video below to learn what fibers are best for your winter warmth needs.



Coos Bay 'prepper' is found guilty after discovery of weapons cache – Mail Tribune

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Coos Bay ‘prepper‘ is found guilty after discovery of weapons cache
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COOS BAY — A Coos Bay man who told police he was a “prepper” and built a survivalist bunker and armory beneath his house has been found guilty by Judge Richard Barron of charges that included possession of a short-barreled rifle and pipe bombs.

Winter storms: What to do when the power goes off and you’re stuck inside


So here’s the scenario – the power went out and you’re sheltering inside the house. Outside, the temperature plummets, the wind picks up and it starts to snow. It doesn’t appear that the power will be restored within the next few days. How will you stay warm and safe?

by Leon Pantenburg

Where I grew up in Iowa, this situation was not all that uncommon.  It seems like every winter, there would be spell where a blizzard knocked out the electricity and we’d have to fend for ourselves on the farm.

When the lights go out, and the blizzard starts to rage, know what to do to do to stay safe and warm inside your house. (Pantenburg photo)

When the power goes out, and the blizzard starts to rage, know what to do to stay safe and warm inside your house. (Pantenburg photos)

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But since this situation was expected, everybody had some sort of  storm plan.

Check out this survival LED light for a keychain!

Check out this survival LED light for a keychain!

Keeping warm at my parents’ place was was not a problem. The farmhouse was heated with several oil burning stoves that didn’t rely on anything electrical. We also had candles and some kerosene lamps for lighting. The stove and oven were gas.

But for people with no experience with winter power outages, a power outage can be dangerous. If you live somewhere where the winters can get cold, be ready for this winter storm situation.

Here are some tips to prepare your house for a winter storm power outage.

Before the storm hits:

– On the outside: Cover the north side of the house with clear visqueen to seal off the wind. Pile bales of hay or straw around the foundation, if available, and stack them up as high as you have bales for. If it has snowed, shovel the snow up around the foundation for insulation. If it’s really snowing and blowing, shovel up snow as high as possible on the windy side of the house to slow down the wind, and reduce the wind chill.

– Hopefully, you will have double-paned windows that are insulated and well-sealed. If not, or you notice a draft around the edges, cover the windows on the outside with plastic.

– Don’t seal the house to be completely airtight! Carbon monoxide is a real danger with any heat source that relies on a flame!

– Let’s hope the water pipes have already been insulated! If not, that is one of the tasks that should be done before winter and cold weather!

Inside, make the best use of your resources.

– Close off the parts of the house you  aren’t staying in. The idea is to have everyone in one room to conserve heat. Hang blankets over doors, and roll up towels to put at the bottom of doors and windows. Cardboard, cut to fit, is a great insulator, but it blocks the light. Stop the wind!

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations. Check out thrift stores and garage sales for good deals. (Pantenburg photo)

A single candle may provide enough lighting in some power outage situations. Check out thrift stores and garage sales for good deals.

– Lighting: Make the best use of light sources. Several people may be able to use the same light source simultaneously in activities such as reading around the same lighted candle.

– Don’t waste batteries. Schedule regular radio listening times, for favorite music programs. Or know where to find a show that gives an upbeat, positive spin to depressing, emergency situations. Get a hand-cranked lighting source.

– The drinking water should be kept some place where it won’t freeze.

– You should still be able to flush the toilet by pouring water in the commode tank.

– Do off-grid cooking in the garage, some well-ventilated area or outside. The carbon monoxide from lighted charcoal, a gas stove or propane cooker can be deadly in a closed, sealed area.

– Have lots of board or card games around. Many of them can be played around a  single lighted candle. (During one memorable Iowa blizzard many years ago, my entire family played Monopoly for nearly three days straight! I went bankrupt several times!)

– Have a big selection of good books to read. Don’t rely on a Kindle! When the batteries die out, so do the stories. Find books that can be read aloud, and let the kids do some of the reading.

– Useful craft projects, that contribute to the overall well-being of the group, can be appreciated.

Nobody wants a power outage. But the right attitude and some preparation can keep the situation from becoming too bad. Besides, when it is all over, there will be all these war stories to tell. Who knows –  maybe the enforced family time will have been beneficial!

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Video survival recipe: How to make Re-fried Beans


Beans are a staple of  long term food storage, and for good reason. Beans are a great source of useable protein, contain no cholesterol and are rich in fiber. They are also a good source of Vitamins A and C, Thiamine, potassium and iron.

Pinto beans are a great long-term storage staple, and taste great too!

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So, you already know all that. The point is, how can you serve beans regularly, while still adding some variety?

by Leon Pantenburg

This recipe comes from Jan LeBaron’s cookbook: “Jan’s Fabulous Food Storage Recipes: Converting Stored Foods Into Usable Meals.

This pinto bean recipe is simple and easy to prepare in advance. Serve beans with rice and you get a complete protein. As Jan recommends in her cookbook, combine this recipe with cornbread or Sopapillas or tortillas.

“When times are hard, this is a good meal to have every week,”  she comments in the cookbook.

I might add, when times are good, pinto beans can be part of  a great, quick meal when everybody has somewhere to go during the evening! Make the rice and re-fried beans in advance and refrigerate. Then, all you have to do is brown some hamburger with a packet of taco seasoning. Warm and combine all these ingredients with some shredded cheese and lettuce and roll in a flour tortilla, and you have one of my favorite fast meals!

Combine these ingredients into a burrito and  make a foil wrap, and put the packet in a re-sealable plastic bag for a quick meal on a dayhike or outing. At lunch or dinner time, make a campfire,  and when the coals burn down, remove the foil wrap from the plastic bag and toss it on. Cook about five to ten minutes, then turn and cook another five to ten minutes. (Click here to learn how to make a foil wrap.)

Here’s how to make the beans:

Favorite Family Pinto Beans

2-1/4 c pinto beans

2 quarts water

2 Tbs oil (optional)

1 Tbs onion, powder

1/4 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

2 tsp salt

Soak the beans either overnight, or in boiling water for about an hour. Drain and cover with two quarts of fresh water, then bring to a boil over medium high heat. Reduce the heat so the beans merely simmer. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Cover and simmer for about an hour. The beans should be tender and fragrant. Bite into one to see if it’s cooked through. When they are tender, they’re ready to eat.

To make re-fried beans: Scoop up as many juicy beans as you want to use and put them in a large skillet. Add a little fat, if desired. Heat the beans and their juice over a medium-high flame while mashing them with a fork or potato masher. Add more bean juice as needed to keep the mixture moist. When the beans are hot and mashed, with a few beans chunks, they are done. Serve with cheese as a dip or stuffed into tortillas.


Judge finds 'prepper' guilty; guns, bombs, drugs stashed under home – KVAL


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Judge finds ‘prepper‘ guilty; guns, bombs, drugs stashed under home
He was crazy not just a prepper. He deserves and needs to be put away .He could have killed someone with his bombs probly his own family. He had a Manson like hold on his friends.Someone like him should be locked up till he can no longer harm or 
Oregon ‘prepper‘ convicted over survival armoryCorvallis Gazette Times

Oregon ‘prepper‘ convicted for pipe bombsHeraldNet

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