Orient your map to stay found before heading out into the backcountry

http://www.survivalcommonsense.com “Orienting the map visually (or with the greater precision afforded by a compass) connects hikers to their surroundings, helps them see the larger picture, and their place in it.  Hikers who nurture this habit are usually both safer and more appreciative of the places they’re exploring.” From “Staying Found” by June Fleming by Blake …

Marinade recipes: Make fish, wild game meat tender and flavorful

Home A common complaint is that wild game meat tastes “gamey” or that fish tastes “fishy.” A good marinade can change  that. by Leon Pantenburg Great tasting game meat or fish starts as soon as the animal is killed or the fish is caught. Visit our store! Buy the viagra without rx in a very …

Edible plants video: How to tell look-alike poison iris from cattails

Home You won’t starve in the wilderness if you can find cattails. Every part of the plant is edible. But don’t mistake a toxic look-alike, the poison iris, for the edible plant. Here is how to tell the difference. by Leon Pantenburg Look for the cattail head, regardless of the time of year. Toxic iris …

Campfire cooking recipe: Cottonwood grilled chicken

Home I love regional recipes, and came across a great one for grilled Cottonwood Grilled Chicken in June at a family reunion. by Leon Pantenburg  The Pantenburg Family Reunion, held every two or three years, is located in different part of the United States. The last event of every gathering typically includes a discussion of …

Check out this Mountain House discount sale from Camping Survival

Home Camping Survival is an advertiser and paid sponsor of SurvivalCommonSense.com   It is so cheap because discount brand viagra it has no ad for marketing and has no patent on the production of the medicine. How did they do it? In overnight cialis tadalafil fact the principle was quite facile. Performing regular sex is …

Top 25 reasons to participate in the Freeze Dry Guy’s 25% off sale

Home The Freeze Dry Guy is a sponsor and advertiser on SurvivalCommonSense.com. Here they are. It’s the Top 25 Reasons people just like you are cashing in on Freeze Dry Guy’s Big 25% off Mountain House Food Sale on #10 Cans. This special offer runs now through July 3, 2013. The names of the people submitting reasons …

Before you buy a knife: Check out what kind of steel is in the blade

Home A well-designed knife with inferior steel in the blade is a waste of money. Worse, it could break or fail when you need it most. Before you buy anything, consider the steel in the blade. Here are some steels in knives I have used and trust. by Leon Pantenburg The most important aspect of …

Wealth can’t protect you: Lessons from the Calgary flood

Home Money won’t insulate you from disaster. Thanks to guest author, the SurvivalMom, Lisa Bedford, for this story from the recent Calgary floods. by Lisa Bedford One of my husband’s very favorite customers is a wealthy gentleman from Canada. This fellow has an impressive collection of custom designed and hand-made motorcycles. Heck, he designed them …

Review: Ridgerunner paracord belt can be vital part of your survival gear

Home Disclaimer: RidgeRunner advertises on SurvivalCommonSense.com. Advertising was not accepted until RidgeRunner products were thoroughly tested and evaluated. You can’t have too much paracord or duct tape, IMHO, and this belt made of paracord combines practicality with good looks. by Leon Pantenburg When I’m looking at a potential survival tool, one aspect that ranks right …

Enter to win: Another free drawing for ‘The Prepper’s Cookbook’

Home Wonder how to cook all that storage food? Check out this free cookbook drawing. by Leon Pantenburg So you have your storage food – now what will you do with it? Tess Pennington,  founder of ReadyNutrition.com, a prepping website based out of Houston, Texas, has some suggestions. About 300, to be exact. Her latest …