Backyard Bounty: How to eat the wild plants in your yard

Ever look at the weeds in your yard and wonder if you could eat them? Me either. Not until now. Most of us don’t have a clue. by Leon Pantenburg I always associated foraging for wild plants with wild places, or at least, weedy overgrown areas. Many people know that cattails are edible, but don’t …

Make a fishing lure from a kitchen spoon

One of the most useful, and  effective fishing lures is the spoon. Here’s how to make a good one,  for pennies, from recycled materials. by Leon Pantenburg This spoon fishing lure was made from a common kitchen spoon. It works very well! (Pantenburg photo) The use of Vital M-40 with Lawax rejuvenates male reproductive system, …

Survival fire making videos: What ignition system should you carry?

In elk hunting, it’s the hope of bagging one that sucks us hunters out in crappy weather into remote mountainous areas. The day was bitterly cold in Idaho’s Selway wilderness, the snow was knee deep and there were miles between us and the nearest road. Being able to make a fire under adverse conditions can …

Start with these basics for your wilderness survival gear

You don’t have any wilderness experience, but you want some.  So what do you take along to make sure you get back?  by Leon Pantenburg One of the most common questions from wilderness newcomers  is: “What gear will I need?” And that’s a really good question! Walk through any sporting goods store and you’ll notice a …

Worth Reading: “Survival Psychology” gives the mental baseline for survival

BOOK REVIEW:  Survival Psychology by John Leach One idea survival book authors may be able to agree upon is that mental attitude is critical. Countless documented cases  prove  your attitude and reaction to the situation,  not your gear, is the most important factor is staying alive. by Leon Pantenburg Some twenty years before the rash of …

Peter Kummerfeldt: How to choose the best saw for a survival kit

Peter Kummerfeldt’s gear has been tested and refined over five decades of hands-on, in-the-field use. He choses a saw – every time – over an axe or hatchet for use in the backcountry,  Here’s why. Three different types of saws: From left, is a Gerber folder; a Fiskar sliding blade, and a double-edged Pac-Saw Wyo. …

Book review: The Survival Medicine Handbook – what to do when help isn’t on the way

What happens during a medical emergency when dialing 911 is not an option? What is your next move? by Leon Pantenburg Most first aid and medical manuals will tell you to seek a medical clinic or hospital as quickly as possible when an emergency occurs. It’s sound advice. But what happens when 911 isn’t an …

How to make a wound closure bandage with duct tape

Have to improvise a wound closure device? Try duct tape. by Leon Pantenburg The more you learn, it seems, the more you realize how much more there is to learn. That’s what happened after my first Wilderness First Aid class for Boy Scout leaders and volunteers. I got home after completing the class, and went …

Storage food recipe: How to make country hash brown breakfast

Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation with simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. Country Hash Brown Breakfast 2 c potatoes, hash browns, dehydrated 3 Tbs onions, chopped, dehydrated 2 Tbs, mixed peppers, chopped, dehydrated Dutch oven cooking is simple and delicious. The …

Rain suit or poncho: What is the best rain gear for your outdoor survival needs?

It rains outside, so carrying rain gear should be a no-brainer. But what is the best rain suit for your needs? Or, is a rain suit the best choice? by Leon Pantenburg Rain follows me. Over Christmas break, 1977,  John Nerness and I went backpacking in Death Valley, CA. Packing rain gear seemed like a …