How to make simple, easy homemade energy bars

A good way to steer your kids toward eating right is to teach them to cook. While hunger is generally the best sauce in the outdoors, a few good recipes can make the outdoor culinary experience even more fun. by Leon Pantenburg When it comes to stocking up on survival food, the best, most inexpensive and tastiest …

How to make healthy Hudson Bay Bread for outdoor energy

Need energy on the trail? Here is a time-tested favorite from the  Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota! Not only does it supply energy, but also tastes great! Sunset somewhere in the Boundary Waters (All photos by Bob Patterson) prescription for viagra These are some the benefits an individual may undergo when they have crooked spine, …

Make basic red enchilada sauce from storage foods

Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation using mainly simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. by Leon Pantenburg Enchiladas are a popular Mexican food, and is one of the most popular dishes that could be bought from a street vendor in Mexico. Hence, …

Hardtack: A Great, Cheap Addition to Your Survival Gear

  Looking for a way to use up surplus flour, or make a cheap trail food or durable survival ration? One answer may be hardtack, a baked, unleavened wheat cracker. As a survival food, hardtack has a proven track record. by Leon Pantenburg Vicksburg, MS: My gray-clad brothers-in-arms and I  hunkered down to eat. In …

Include these simple flour recipes in your survival gear

Good, practical recipes can help you make the most efficient use of basic food staples in a survival situation! Hardtack is easy to make, has a long shelf life, and the texture of a fired brick! It is definitely a survival food, but you wouldn’t want to eat it for long periods of time! With …

How to: Make jerky from small game meat

by Leon Pantenburg The hunting season had been very productive: I was single at the time, didn’t have to worry about Honey-dos around the house and hunted every weekend in those magnificent deciduous forests, swamps and wetlands of Mississippi.  In Venison and other big game meats are commonly associated with jerky, but there are other meats that …

Recipe: Squirrel and rabbit jambalaya

There are several dishes I like to make lots of, so I can freeze some for lunch. Jambalaya, chili, red beans and rice, lentil soup with brown rice and venison stew are some of my favorites, and jambalaya always makes a tasty, healthy lunch. by Leon Pantenburg I learned about jambalaya when I lived in …

Multi-Grain Biscuit Mix Provides Great Survival Food

Good recipes for stored staples may be one of your most useful survival tools. Biscuits, made from a healthy, homemade mix, can provide good nutrition and taste! by Leon Pantenburg Prepared people know that keeping the family fed during an emergency is a priority. But over the long haul, diet monotony can be a problem. Eating the …

Check out this Dutch oven wild game cookbook

If you work it right, the hunt isn’t over when the animal is harvested. In fact, one of the best parts of the hunting experience is when you can start feasting on the meat! Linda Stephenson at a Dutch oven cookoff. Teachers often try to force students into activities creating an imbalance of buy sildenafil cheap …

How to make chicken fajitas with storage foods

  Survival food is sustenance that can be made easily during a survival or emergency situation using mainly simple, long-term storage food items, cooked outdoors, using off-the-grid methods. This survival recipe features Dried Chicken Dices. These  chicken dices can be substituted in virtually any dish that uses fresh chicken. The chicken dices are great in …