Damper Recipes: Try Australia’s survival bread

Home “Have you heard of Damper? It’s an Australian bread that’s made using few ingredients and cooked in a campfire. Stockmen and drovers would make it using their basic camping rations.” from Alex in SurvivalCommonSense.com Comments Damper is a simple bread that uses a traditional Australian recipe. (Pantenburg photos) Erectile dysfunction is one such disorder …

Book Review: The Disaster Diaries by Sam Sheridan

http://www.survivalcommonsense.com Apocalypse books generally lose me when the zombies show up. But this book combines end-of-the-world scenarios with some practical advice on how to prepare for a drastically-altered lifestyle. by Leon Pantenburg Visit our store! These years not only brings memories but also certain physical shortcomings purchase cheap viagra and health problems. More often than …

Peter Kummerfeldt: How to use signal mirrors for survival signalling

Home At some point, you may need to attract a rescuer’s attention. It would be in any situation, from being lost in the wilderness to being stuck on a rooftop during a flood. But when people are looking for you, though, you may be an insignificant object in a vast  space. This signal mirror is …

Get rescued quickly: Timing is everything

Home As soon as you think you may be lost, call Search and Rescue immediately. By Blake Miller I enjoy and frequently check-out Michael Coyle’s excellent blog that is focused on Search and Rescue (SAR) missions and issues; www.blog.oplopanax.ca.  In a May post he discusses the need to call for backcountry rescue immediately.  In his …

10 tips for staying cool during a power outage/heat wave emergency

Home All things considered, any emergency situation can be made worse by the weather! Heat waves, coupled with power outages, can be deadly. Learn what you can do! By Leon Pantenburg What happens when an earthquake occurs along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (The United States’ second largest earthquake area, located near New Madrid, Mo., …

Video: The A-Frame Tarp Shelter: Simple, Lightweight and Effective

Home It was a bad time for the weather to get really nasty. The angry, black clouds threatened snow and boiled over the nearby mountains as they headed toward us. By Leon Pantenburg My brother Mike and I were on an elk hunt, and had backpacked miles back from any road into Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest. This …

Tornado survival tips: Weather the storm safely

Home I’ve always been afraid of tornadoes, even before I heard of the Wicked Witch of the West and: “Surrender Dorothy!” If you live in an area with the potential for tornadoes or cyclones, you owe it to yourself and your family to be prepared! by Leon Pantenburg Visit our store! In female, high-tech vaginal lubricants …

Survival recipe video: How to Make Easy, Foil Wrap Fish

Home Nothing says survival food has to be tasteless. This recipe uses aluminum foil and a campfire to make one of my favorite trout recipes. by Leon Pantenburg I don’t carry fishing gear in my pocket survival kit. But it is rare for me not to have fishing gear along if Get a foolproof survival …

Check out this special camping section videos and stories

Home Spring is when most people start thinking  about camping.  Get a foolproof survival firestarting kit It is particularly important while talking with sildenafil 50mg tablets your partner about such condition. As the time duration of the effects of this medicine is available in jelly form and is very easy robertrobb.com discount generic levitra to …

The Waco Siege: A Very Disturbing Part of American History

Home Every year, on the anniversary of the Waco seige, I re-post this. It has been said that without Waco, there wouldn’t have been the Oklahoma City Bombing. Ever since the Waco siege ended in 1993, I have wanted to visit the site. Over Christmas break, 2010, I got the chance. The 50-day siege of …